Anybody Here Think Keurig Makes Better Coffee Than Drip?

I do too. I have every tool mentioned above except “cold press” (I use a Takeya for cold brew). Even have a plumbed in commercial espresso machine in the kitchen. But I’m not retired and so most of the time consuming methods are used in weekend mornings and weekdays I use instant. I consider Mount Hagen exceptional; and I have no financial relationship to disclose.

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THAT is the way to go. No constant reheating, just one brew. I’ve been shaking my head about Keurig since the silly things came out. Never bought one, but had one at worked I tried a few times. Every type of coffee gave me the WTF feeling. What a waste of plastic, too. I still don’t get it.

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I used to keep little packs of Starbucks Via Columbia in my purse to dump into the watery school brew I’d get from the building’s “coffee bar.” I needed something to keep me awake (I’m sure the students did, too) for my early morning class. I figured I’d just ramp it up. The unholy mixture worked.

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It’s convenience. Consistently ______. Quick. No drains get clogged, sinks messed. Pods delivered with the rest of the office supplies. Sealed pods have extended life.

I’m not defending the beverage quality. I merely asked…

I never realized a keurig actually made coffee. Like the machine in hitchhiker’s guide, I think they make something completely resembling but the exact opposite of coffee.

I am a huge French press fan. Coffee at home is almost far superior to anything I buy in even excellent coffee houses. The method we use is from James Hoffman and takes about 15 minutes.

Of course, I do frequent coffee houses when withdrawal symptoms are to great to handle. When it comes to coffee, my addiction as a monkey on my back. My dear wife has an 800# gorilla on hers. Which means, since she is up earlier than me most mornings, I get out of bed to great cofee!

I have a Mocamaster drip and love it. I am usually brewing beans I roasted. So quite fresh

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A lot of specialty coffee roasters are offering fancier instant coffee options. Some use freeze-dried grounds; other use bags that looked like teabag. Steeped Coffee makes many of these bags for roasters, plus has their own offerings.

Keurig is to coffee what Cup Noodles is to ramen.


Similar on the pour over setup. Not sure why that didn’t occur to me sooner, though.

Earlier this year I decided to try brewing from a Melitta cone directly into our Yeti tumblers (all of which we already had). Super simple, brew stays hot, and no coffeemaker involved—Keurig or otherwise.


Did that for years :+1:t2:

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I started with Melita, then French Press, then moka, then Neopolitan, and now I put coffe grinds in a quart glass jar with a metal spoon, pour boiling water in, stir and let it sit for 5 minutes, and then strain through a stainless steel Ikea filter into my old Melita pot and serve. To be honest the best coffee I have I get at a patisserie in Italy.

the two different patterns indicate Caf and DeCaf.


The search never ends. I just bought. Moccamaster cup one for my office second hand and can’t wait to try it.

I’ve had good coffee from a Keurig but Drip is definitely superior in taste, environment, & cost. Supermarket ground coffee is 7 to10 cents a cup vs K’s 30+ cents a cup.

Coffee should not be Keurated.


I’m NOT defending Keurig. Repeat: NOT defending Keurig

Still, I’m surprised by the strident condemnations of it here. Unsurprising is that many strongly prefer coffee made by other methods, but do you think these K-haters (pick another word if you want) consider it so bad they’d not touch it if it was the last coffee on Earth?

For example, I’ve been in hundreds of office, restaurant, convention, performance, club, tour, flight, family, etc. venues where I thought the coffee was terrible–a paradigm o’ suckage. While my experience with K-cups is a lot smaller, I’d go that way over those. Not you?

So what do you think explains the (not just your) vehemence? Is it Buyers’ Remorse? Literary license? Environmentalism or curmudgeonry? The sort of pride that makes people say stuff like “Friends don’t let friends drive BMW”?

Well, I think it is similar to making fun of McDonald. It is a big franchise and well recognized. I have had worse mom-and-pop burgers than McDonald burgers (totally possible). However, if I say I won’t eat so and so mom-and-pop burgers, then no one knows what I am talking about.
Making fun of Keurig comes from so many angles. Environmentalism is one, and counter-culture is a big part too.


OK, so what you’re saying is that it’s not all about K-coffee being terrible. Yes?

I’ve been in office and overnight guest situations several times where my hosts only had Keurig coffee. Let’s put it this way: I wouldn’t have driven–or walked (far)–to avoid drinking Keurig.

I’d be interested in reading how Methods A-Z do in blind taste tests. Anyone have any links?

Ooo. Did not mean to prick a nerve. I was just, apparently unsuccessfully, trying to be humorous with Keurated. I would rather have a cup of Keurig than something out of a three pound can especially if it has been on the warmer for very long, for sure. Oh, and I have driven BMWs since 1970. I do subscribe to friends don’t let friends drink Starbucks. I miss the early years of Starbucks.


OK, no nerve hit–just trying to understand. Humor it is.

Soon it will be friends don’t let friends drive Tesla. Man, there are some really bad Tesla drivers.