Any suggestions???

(post deleted by author)

Hope that goes well for you and gives you what you havent been able to find here.


I’ll miss you!

I will miss you too. Hope that there is always a tasty meal at your table and great music to go with it.

I’ve a hard time to understand what you mean, I guess you are referring to this post in the Baking Board Welcome All thread.

They must be really happy to have you around! What do you make for them?

Anyway, all the best for your future baking adventures.

Hi @motosport! While the above doesn’t say what you are hoping for specifically, might it be that you haven’t seen enough activity from your geographic area?

If you do want to explore the potential of getting a discussion rolling, just this morning another poster started this thread to gauge interest in the geography they’re interested in discussing. Maybe make a similar post that covers the locale you want to discuss, as a way to find out if other community members share your interest.

Hope this helps.


@Rooster you will be sorely missed :frowning_face: I wish you the best of luck in your new endeavors and hope someday that you might return after the dust settles from all of the new CH transfers.
I was always inspired by your amazing baking experiences, especially since you started late in life after semi-retirement.
I hope to start learning to cook from Mrs. P after retiring at the end of June (after over 41 years with the same company). I will finally have some free time to learn.


My companion in life took up baking as a retirement hobby. Love the cake almost as much as I love the bread.


@Rooster , come on man. :worried: :pleading_face:

It’s a good idea to take a break from here. I hope you can let it go, with time. Come back when you are ready. There are some of us who appreciate and learn stuff from you.


It reminds me of the aged WordPress and BBPress default forum templates of old. Riddled with holes for spammers to snag email addresses if you didn’t lock the template down.


I’ll miss you.

What about just making some additions to your ignore list?


Best wishes to you and Mrs P on all your future endeavors as a retired person. I am after Mr Bean to retire but he wants to work a bit linger.


Thank you :slightly_smiling_face: I was originally planning on working a few more years, but between my back issues the last couple of years, and the unwelcome direction my company is going, I think it’s time to give the younger generation a chance. Luckily I have invested in my 401K plan for the last 41 years and the funds should help subsidize my Social Security and allow me to retire a little earlier. Hopefully you can convince Mr. Bean to retire soon so you can enjoy yourselves while you are both still healthy.


I love these people who are so needy that they need validation in order to stay. When I left CH, I didn’t tell anyone or make an announcement, I wonder why others feel the need to announce?


Harters just so you know, I LOVE reading your posts about UK places and food. I will probably never get to visit England (my family was kicked out of Hatfield by the King LOL), but I can visit vicariously through you.

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Can share the observation that HO has been a smaller community so it’s probably more noticeable here when a frequent poster stops participating. Not uncommon for fellow members to inquire about someone’s well-being, if a frequent poster didn’t happen to mention that they were leaving or taking a break. So there’s that.


I see that, but in the this instance i think the OP wanted to be begged to stay. As others have said, good luck and move on.

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Thank you so much. I guess from your username that you must be in Virginia - a state I’ve visited more often than any other. You’re fortunate to live in such a beautiful and interesting part of the world.

As you mentioned it, does anyone know what happened to Auspicious? He was here one day, posting regularly as usual, and then totally disappeared. No obvious disputes or indication he was unhappy here. I rather miss him and his sometimes spiky posts.


Yes the mountains of southwest Virginia in a rural community called Burke’s Garden. Husband and I farm his family farm there- we are the 5th generation to do so.

My great grandfather to the fifth was one of the first to come across the mountains in a wagon from Cripple Creek, VA. On the convict side of the family, James Bourne, was the one kicked out of Hatfield for killing a rabbit on the King’s land. We also farm his farm, we are the fifth generation to do so,