youtube recommendations

Are there youtube channels of cooking instruction that you wise ones can recommend? I have found some (Adam Ragusea, NYT, Epicurious, and others) but what might I be missing? What are your favorites?

I like these ladies.
Not sure if this is what you’re looking for :wink:


These ladies are fun to watch and they have a supplemental cookbook.


Usually, I’m drawn to chefs that are women yet lately Jacques Pepin is my new favourite:


Pretty much the only one I have any use for.

And I still have a soft spot for this, even though Francis (aka Dog) has shuffled off the mortal coil.


Maangchi is a pleasure to watch.
She also shows tips and tricks about shopping in a Korean Market.

She is a treasure, generally. Walked me through my first batch of kimchi.

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Ancient Recipes with Sohla

Chinese Cooking Demystified

Pailin’s Kitchen

Rie McClenny

These are my favorites right now.


Wilderness Cooking, with this guy from Azerbaijan who just kicks butt. Love his cutlery and skills.


Mandy at Souped Up Recipes is my go to for Chinese cooking. She is an excellent teacher!

Helen Rennie is another great teacher.

The Woks of Life - Chinese

Another vote for Pailin’s Kitchen.

Check out Chris Morroco’s segments on Bon Appetit’s youtube channel where he reverse engineers a dish by a famous chef. He tastes it blind folded then tries to recreate. Here’s an example

Many of the food youtubers that I used to watch have become so successful and great for them but they feel so inauthentic to me due to all the handling by marketers and PR that I find them insufferable and no longer watch. Binging with Babish is a great example.


June from Delish (Budget Eats and Spice Show) makes miracles in a microscopic NYC apartment kitchen. She isn’t afraid to let her frustrations show.

Delish Budget Eats playlist:

Delish Spice Show playlist:


I like these quick and inexpensive sheet pan meals

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This is more “food entertainment” but I have also been enjoying Steven Lim’s food related work on the Watcher YouTube channel:

Dish Granted


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I like watching him because of his style and he’s good for 3 or more recipes per video.

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Thanks–wow! I’ve been binge-watching Helen today, but am eager to check out some of the others.

Well, yeah! Even now, as an octogenarian, he’s a cutie. When he was in his forties and my mom was in her eighties, she had a crush on him and never missed whatever PBS cooking show he had at the time. She was very proper, but always cracked up when he baked using a “cookie shit”. :cookie::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::cookie:

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Glen and Friends is a Canadian show on Youtube. He frequently uses vintage and antique cookbooks, which have interesting recipes, e.g. something that’s sort of a combination of popover and cupcake/muffin.

Arne and Carlos are Norwegian yarnwear designers with a weekly video podcast that combines yarncrafts and lifestyle activities. Their YouTube channel includes a list of their cooking/baking videos. Most of the food is traditional Scandinavian; part of the interest is their personalities, their dogs, and their lovely home.


I recommend Kimono Mom. 20% food recipes and 80% Sutan! :baby:


I’ve been reading the upgrade syndrome thread.
Watching the above video and her peeling potatoes, now that is the definition of a true minimalist !