Where Do NYC Cab Drivers Eat? | NYT Cooking


Fascinating. Thank you!

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I totally enjoyed this video. In the late 60’s I drove a NYC taxi cab.
The only place at that time that was a cabby’s place to eat was the Belmore Cafeteria on Park Avenue South in the 20’s . Huge place, nice food but pretty simple. Nice to see how much it’s changed.


Nice piece.

Though in all my years of eating at Haandi, I can’t recall seeing that guy behind the counter or in the kitchen :joy: The same lady and another guy were always in front (and they recognized people of course).

A few years ago the food went downhill, and when I asked, the guy in front said there were some issues with the owners and staff, maybe they had fired a bunch of people — the cook included? Over time, it returned to a baseline, though quite not as good as before.

It’s one of the only remaining Pakistani cabbie joints around there — the others got bought over by the Bangladeshi influx (eg Lahori kabab — not really Lahori anymore).

(There’s another bunch of similar cabbie joints on the westside, but they’re not patronized much by non-south asians.)

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