Where are my NJ Peep's???????

You know I have to say that it is much easier to do images with the HO too…

Dude(s). I posted like 11 hour ago (which was 7 hours before your message).

So what is the OTHER NJ board? Seriously. Are you guys talking about FoodTalkCentral or Chowhound?

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Dude, seriously when is the last time you posted to me? Don’t you know I"m all that matters?? Geeze. :cry:

Take a look at my picture a few posts above for an answer to your question sir. Glad to see you are alive and well. Well I was glad before you just yelled at me.

That’d be CH. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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someone needs to get Metsfan over here.

I nominate JR :slight_smile:

and equal mark and tapas

Over at Food Talk Central, the NJ Board has exactly 1 thread.

This is like the late 99’s gangster rap scene, it’s West Coast vs East Coast. FTC = Tupac HO= Biggie.

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I’m here. Not much new to report. I did check out the old site and did appreciate the one giant rant about fairways seafood department and throwing groceries and peacing out…


I lurk over there and saw that rant. I’d always liked fourunder, but I think his behavior was reprehensible.


agree- that story was pretty over the top…As someone who worked in food service FOH it was the stuff like that I HATED…and like 99.99999999999% the employee has to sit there and eat it…


Ah metsfan is here. Good to see you bud…enjoy your posts.

That rant was ridiculous. I was going to comment but I just saved my time. What a mess of a thread lol.

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ty CJ, same here…

…yeah-seems that board has devolved into crap like that and cobwebs…i do enjoy the ones post on polish delis…but that’s about it there these days…

Check out the NYC board at CH. The two biggest threads are omg did I tip enough at 18% and were they rude to me at the kosher restaurant.

No wonder they are dying. Nothing about fun places to eat.

And most of the top ten posts are 3-4 days since new posting.

Does anybody know of a place that serves Norwegian Blue wings?

Bet Andrew Zimmern knows where to get these…

I know this off centered guy named Scott that is Norwegian and he was telling me about the whale me meat he has eaten. I tried finding some in Japan but never quite had any luck. He tells me it’s kind of like a brined prime rib taste but not as good. Don’t mind me…I’m off on a tangent but if i was talking whale meat on chow hound I’d probably be exiled.

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Whale is delicious. Like prime rib, but a little sweeter. You used to be able to get it in the US in the 70s in New England, but then they enacted the ban. Other than Norway you can get it in Japan and also I think in Iceland.

I used to travel extensively in Japan and occasionally came across sushi restaurants that served whale meat. As I recall, it wasn’t that common, contrary to reports in American media.

What board and thread?

Never mind I found it, poor guy just wanted his lox!

I emailed with Fourunder when I first found out about HO, he had already been made aware of the board by someone else, Coliver if memory serves me correct. He had said he would check it out and I hoped he would contribute but I’ve never seen or heard from him again. He’s a good guy, sorry to read your comments.

Yep. Most whale in Japan is eaten as sashimi. You have to look for a restaurant that specializes in whale. I’ve also seen it sliced thin in nabe and other hot pot style dishes.