What's your favorite bacon sandwich?

Wow ! George Orwell in a food blog.

Well speaking of the unintended benefits of Socialism, thanks to the immense EU subsidies (Common Agricultural Policy) to the dairy industry and subsequent over production the price difference between butter and margarine is no longer substantial.

There are jokes amongst economists about the “butter” mountain over there.

Go ahead and Google “butter mountain” and see what comes up.

So for the life of me I can’t figure out why anyone would buy margarine instead.

Talk about “Bleak House” !

The NY Times ran a bacon taco story in the Food Section. Thats what I had for breakfast.

My take, Corn tortilla, crisped bacon, sliced avocado, diced pineapple bits, red onion slices and a spicy mustard. It was all I could do to keep the portion to two small tacos. This is a keeper.


Really surprised I missed this thread first time around - maybe I was away.

Dry cured back bacon, lightly grilled. One layer of bacon on thin sliced white bread or an oven bottom muffin (go Google that if you wish), maybe a little tomato ketchup. There is no place for any of this “artisan bread” nonsense in the bacon sandwich stakes.

I am not a fan of American bacon (or streaky bacon as we’d call it), nor the country’s penchant for overcooking it till it’s crisp. I rarely order it when I cross the pond


I make a ground beef and baked bean mixture with a lot of bacon in it that is a favorite served on potato rolls or sweet Hawaiian rolls. If you top it with cole slaw it has almost a pulled pork sandwich taste to it.


That sounds sloppy as hell but in a delicious way. What my wife calls a 5 napkin burger.

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my favorite is a slight variation on a classic BLT:

toasted sourdough whole wheat; trader joe’s garlic spread instead of mayo; replace lettuce with baby kale and arugula or micro greens.

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my favorite is a slight variation on a classic BLT:

toasted sourdough whole wheat; trader joe’s garlic spread instead of mayo; replace lettuce with baby kale and arugula or micro greens.

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Mercy me. I just watched the video and ran to defrost the butchers bacon. I forget the charmer who turned me onto Serious Eats but dang I have read hrs worth of ideas.


A BLT is such a classic combo. I don’t make it often as my wife will eat no pork but when she’s away for a conference it’s what I gravitate to. Simple and delicious

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Not a sandwich but a taquito from Whataburger, a breakfast taco with bacon, cheese, and picante sauce on a flour tortilla. It also comes with eggs but I don’t like eggs so there are no eggs.

This is loaded with bacon maybe because I don’t get the hated eggs.

I bought some bacon after reading that!

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Hmmm A place selling breakfast sandwiches on brioche

calling @NotJrvedivici just sayin’