What's the oldest thing in your kitchen?

I love yolky toast, too. No argument there. I just didn’t see how spooning a SB egg onto toast was any simpler than spooning it into your mouth, with or without taking a bite of toast.

I’m done.

Maybe like taking a bite of mashed potato and following it with a spoon of gravy? Or a bite of bread, followed by spoons of peanut butter and jelly? Or a spoonful of oatmeal and then a sip of milk? All the same once in your mouth yet all different experiences from their usual combinations.


Not in the kitchen but in a bookshelf in another room, I came across my mother’s 1948 (the year she was married) well thumbed Fanny Farmer cookbook.


Me, too. Don’t know exactly when it was made, but ole #8 is still my go-to pan.

That’s the second oldest thing in my Kitchen. I love reading those recipes. Real wild man here.