Yea I agree. It’s not an issue of who “should get” leftovers. It’s more the presumption without any decorum.
Maybe you’ll be happily surprised and they’ll give you some cake to take home.
I personally would demand that you take back all the leftover cake, to save me from eating it.
Yea. Thanks for your kind replies, they’ve made me feel better.
Wow. You’ve agreed to bake so many cakes that they’re actually formulating distribution plans for the leftovers?? I think if I were you, I’d throttle back on the numbers so they could carry the leftover cake in a coffee cup.
I have thought a lot about why I feel this way and one of the reasons is related to your comment: I would typically over produce for this kind of event. So I have in fact decided to endeavor NOT to do that.
Good for you. I think it was Dear Abby (or was it Ann Landers?) who repeatedly opined that nobody can take advantage of you without your permission. Don’t let them. Just don’t!
Yeah, I’ve had people do the same with food I’ve prepared. It really rubbed me the wrong way, but as suggested, I just had to think of it as a gift.
You go girl! The world is full of shallow people.
I was an admin in a prior life. Exhausting, but there are some deeply satisfying moments - like when you boot an irretrievably loathsome excrescence.
How many slices do you figure per cake for serving? 12 servings per bundt = 5 bundts to be frugal? Can you use liquid eggs or are their price ridic, too?
I made the mistake gifting mini tarts for a wedding. I thought I could do 200. I couldn’t and fortunately I found someone who could for me, at a price. Haysus, it cost me a mint and never again will I be that foolish. Fortunately no one is asking me to do a repeat!
Best of luck with your decision!
I did a wedding (for $$) during the pandemic. It was thrilling but stressful.
I’m making a regular layer cake for candle blowing, then five large bundts. This will be enough.
I … would never eat, bake with or serve “eggs” from a carton.
Thomas Keller roast chicken . Already in the brine .
I watched a video of Keller making roast chicken, and was amazed that he stuck the end of the pepper mill into the chicken. Similarly, Jacques Pepin putting a knife used to cut raw chicken into a butter dish to get some butter. No concern about contamination?
I think we’ve had a similar exchange a while ago. All of my groups are friendly, bc assholes are removed immediately — for whatever reason. But I run a pretty tight ship, and bullies of any kind don’t last. Kinda like I handle real life as well
Isn’t it funny that the French Laundry might not be sanitary?
The irony of the contradiction had not struck me, but yes!
Pulled the chicken out of the brine today . Trussed and into the refrigerator for the skin to dry . Maybe 2 to 3 days . We’ll see how all this goes . Crummy weather for a cooking experiment. Perfect.
Boston area is getting 4-6" of snow, with freezing rain and/or sleet on top of it all. Snow has started (although very lightly), and the temps will rise a bit around 1:00 pm to prompt the icy conditions.
Yeah, I’m SO working from home today! Made that decision at 6:15 this morning. I can deal with snow. I will NOT deal with iciness on top of it! Especially when those big-ass SUVs and pick-me-up trucks still barrel down the fast lane at 70+ mph. Guess what? Your humongous vehicle doesn’t do well on ice either, and I don’t want to be anywhere near you when you go into a spin.