What's On Your Mind 2023

Owie! Glad to hear you’re doing better. Now what are you planning on preparing to feast on this holiday?

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interesting idea, seems difficult to enforce.

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Do pay attention to unexplained glitches. I thought I was Peter Pan 6 months ago and am just now getting over the last (I hope) vestiges of my crash landing.



spent a lifetime hoping to spot a mountain lion in the wild, hiking literally thousands of miles in their territory. this week one showed up in a neighbor’s backyard. to be so lucky.



Oh my! They’re hungry and foraging as best they can. Be safe!

Fire . Mt Shasta has been absolutely nuts the last couple days Fights breaking out at lake Siskiyou. Women being attacked on the hiking trail there .
There was i fire last night right around the corner from me last night. Vegetation and house fire . I lost power because of it
And tonight the fireworks show at the lake . Oh goody. I have my to go bag and car reading to evacuate. Homeowners insurance is paid and upto date .


Happy fourth of July? :sparkler: :us: :eagle:


O gawd, not again! Be safe over there! It sounds like you are prepared to evacuate if necessary.
We’re getting smoke from Canada and possibly from the Idaho panhandle fire (lightning caused).
We always want to go away during the beginning of July, but know better and suffer through the holiday. Too many idiots out there ‘recreating’ in every wrong way. I get ‘seasonal PTSD’ with all the noise triggers from fireworks, shotguns and sirens.


I’m so sorry. I have spent some time in Shasta and know people in the area. You have had some tough few years, poor Weed! I live in an area that in the last few years has become fire prone, so I keep a go bag ready this time of year. Today I have all hoses rolled out and ready for spot fires since neighbors tend to set off the fireworks right over my property. Most of the cities and some towns around us have outlawed them but in the forested rural areas it is perfectly legal. Makes total sense :roll_eyes: I’ll be interested to read what the Redding paper has to say about the fighting and trail attacks. I don’t remember her name but I occasionally read an article from someone in your area. Stay safe and if in doubt, evacuate! Better safe than sorry.


All quiet in the Central Sierra foothills where we are. Not even the usual gun shots. I hear music revving up down the hill, maybe a resurrection of Tuesday night blues for 4 July. Not much road traffic today but a few more vehicles in the last hour or so, maybe locals going into “town” for some organized fireworks or such.
@john , stay safe.


All quiet here so far . Could be all the law enforcement i saw today in the area . A welcome sight . Thanks to all who are on duty .7:37 pm


Do you have a radio scanner?

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No .Just a alert on the phone if there is a evacuation alert


Russell and Ron on the road to Boston. :slight_smile:


What’s with the turtleneck? It’s the typical hot & humid here in Wawa country. (Looks like Delaware?)

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I have my doubts whether either brother even owns a tee shirt or a pair of jeans.

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Not familiar with the bros, but at least the one found a short sleeve shirt :crazy_face: