What's new with you in the kitchen? (2015)

What new dishes or thinGs have you found yourself making over and over this year?

For me, summer 2015 was the summer of salsa verde–the Italian kind, that is. We had it several times over lamburgers on a nest of arugula, but it was also quite awesome over steaks grilled in the chimenea. It was also the summer of roasted eggplant and of squash casserole.

So what were your new, repeat-performance discoveries?

I’ve been (sorta) addicted to the fried avocado/pickled radish “toast” this year - thx to Vernick in Philly.

I would also definitely count the NYT Trini-Chinese chicken as one of my go-to dishes over the last year. I’ve yet to tire of those flavors.

I can’t believe it took me this long but I’ve discovered bread making! I’ve stopped buying bread altogether. I’ve also been doing a lot of homemade pizza. I’ve done quite a bit of pickling this past year.

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OMG, that chicken is simply incredible. We now have a huge bag of Costco wings in the freezer so we have it more frequently.

I almost always use thighs. Might have to make this again next week when we’re back home…

And I fry and I believe you grill, right? SO good.

I’ve grilled, fried and roasted/broiled them - didn’t find the frying any superior to the other two. I actually think they come out best roasted and then finished under the broiler for extra crispy skin.

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