What's for Dinner #92 - the Fool Me Once Edition - April 2023

I had leftover baked ziti from the freezer and cucumber slices with Tajín. Looking forward to some blanc de blanc after kid bedtime.


Dinner last night ended up being the rest of the mediocre pizza we picked up Monday night.

As for tonight, my PIC was gonna do his magic with the leftover bok choy & napa cabbage from last Saturday’s hot pot, whereas I was gonna make garlic noodles with the ginormous amount of leftover wantan noodz from the same meal.

Unfortunately, the noodles had a distinct whiff of ammonia, so I tossed them. It does say to use them “immediately” on the package, I’d forgotten just how quickly they need to be used :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

I used some regular & spinach linguine. Salty, garlicky goodness, topped with our buddy’s homemade chili oil.


Haven’t cooked a whole lot this week. Mostly leftovers and made sketti and sauce last night.

But tonight I cooked. Duck breast with a quick blackberry compote of mashed blackberries I had defrosted and heated in the microwave mixed with some balsamic vinegar and a tab of butter to smooth it out.

Served on toasted Israeli couscous with minced shallots, s/p, and minced fresh parsley with steamed asparagus alongside.

Wine. Most definitely.


DaYUM that duck boob! I thought we had a pack of two from Aldi in the freezer, but no dice. “Only” a whole duck. When I’m 100% that’s on the agenda soon :slight_smile:

Looks fabo!


Hee! Hee!! Barely!! We actually ended up next door for dessert…Double Chocolate Cheesecake a la mode and Funnel Cake!!


Holy crap that looks amazing!

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It was an enjoyable and well-deserved bit. :grin:

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I had indigestion and experienced acid reflux after eating that!! :rofl: :rofl:


A recent fridge and freezer purge resulted in a very satisfying southwestern style soup. From the fridge, a l.o. blistered poblano, and a bit of l.o. black beans, white beans, red bell pepper and a dollop of sour cream. The freezer contributed chicken stock, lots of corn on the cob, some diced tomatoes in juice and some sliced red onion. Fresh chopped cilantro went on after the pic was taken.
One of the best surprises from left overs.


I always love when a new dish from leftovers turns out amazing.


A spring-green dinner from the garden. Scallion roast chicken. Baby peas with tarragon. Roasted asparagus. Leftover Irish champ.


Dumplings again, but this time from a nearby Dumpling Club, where you order online and get a date for pick-up - i ordered almost 2 weeks ago - and they come frozen. these were just the plain pork wontons, and tho their recommendation is to steam, the BF really wanted to do the pan fry-then-steam method he does on his own dumplings. the shape of these made that difficult, more conducive to just steaming, and the tops were a little tough, thick skinned. as for taste, they were good, but honestly, the BF’s are better. (even mine are better most of the time, though not as pretty.) The BF’s veggie stir-fry of shrooms, red peppers, carrots, cabbage, green garlic, and scallions, and jasmine rice, on the side.

i’d also ordered shrimp & pork dumplings, and i’m taking those to my sister’s tomorrow so we’ll try them pan-fried. if they aren’t a lot better than these, we’ll probably not go back, since we can make our own. But, i did get this super-cute dish towel!


Rice with furikake, air fryer karaage, takuan, cucumber sunomono, broccolini and tomato with sesame dressing.


Panko breaded and fried calamari steak and tartar sauce. Sauteed asparagus, red pepper and shallots in butter and aleppo pepper. Little Gem and radicchio salad with green onion, cherry tomato, cucumber, creamy Greek dressing.


nice job on that tempura! looks crispy and light…


Tonight: NYC HO Group dinner in Chinatown. Delicious. I am so stuffed.

Last night: More catching up with friends, but at home for a change of pace.

My tummy wasn’t at its best, which might have been a result of the mustard salmon I made for lunch. (Such a beautiful piece of salmon, I really felt betrayed when my tummy started rumbling a short while later…)

They had specially made Coq au Vin, so I popped some tummy medicine and went on with the evening. We ate it with baguette and roasted cauliflower.

For entertainment, their relatively recent college grad son (who’s quit his job and is traveling the world but home for a bit) told me stories of his travels (and also about his plans for the summer and fall, which don’t involve a full-time job much to his father’s chagrin :rofl:) and strummed the electric guitar he’s been teaching himself for a while. I rocked this boy as a screaming baby, so it’s all kind of adorable.

No dessert, because we forgot, and by the time anyone remembered I was at the door. So I had some chocolate-covered digestives when I got home. Yummy.


i need this in my life

my anemia is calling


I’ll pass, respectfully…

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The wings are my favorite part of a roasted chicken. Your dinner looks amazing!

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Oh, thank you! Actually, my favorite part is the breast. Since those are so much easier to deal with as leftovers, however, we tend to eat the dark meat first. :woman_shrugging:t2: