What's For Dinner #89 - the Dawn of a New Year Edition - January 2023

Oh, wow. I am freaking out. She must have been desperate. My mom was a SAHM with me and my brothers - she was my Brownie Scout leader and my Girl Scout leader and I was in Girl Scouts until I graduated from high school in 1970 in rural Ohio (much to the derision of my school’s band director when my Girl Scout activities interfered with his events involving my saxophone). He probably would have kept the money too - he was a very abusive little man.


Good to hear there are safeguards now. Obviously that wasn’t the case back then.

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My teenage daughter’s dinner tonight. Her take on charcuterie. Comte, parmigano reggiano and sartori cheese, prosciutto and soppressata, grapes, baguette, her recipe for " bread dipping oil" (She’s a fan of California Pizza Kitchen) and washed down with the finest vintage grocery store oat milk.


I’ve been working 12, 14-hour days for weeks on end. Some nights I have a dinner of food I made and set aside during the previous weekend, but there were also multiple nights of pizza, or a pint of ice cream, or mediocre Chinese takeout.

Today we launched the thing we’ve been working so hard to launch, and after a much-needed trip to the gym, I went to the grocery store and bought the fixings for a truly enormous chopped salad. Romaine, red pepper, cocktail tomatoes, cucumber, these little red pickled pepper things I don’t know what they are called, a bit of cheese, a can of fancy tuna, scallions, homemade vinaigrette. The photo doesn’t truly convey the enormity of this salad. That’s my biggest glass bowl.

Hit the spot.


Looks great! Sorry it was a disappointment.

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Leftovers from and supplements to last night for dinner tonight.

Kimchi-bacon fried rice topped with an egg as it should have been (egg is runny, but flipped so no goop). — the egg makes a huge difference, I’m kind of annoyed we didn’t add it last night (friends said there was enough protein, ugh).

Not pictured, I bought another package of Galbi and cooked it to eat with some plain rice.

Also not pictured, a big helping of the broccoli slaw muchim and napa cabbage kimchi.

Dessert was a sumo orange - yum. And later an impromptu glass of Sauternes with a friend at the neighborhood wine bar.


I credit my early exposure to Girl Scouts giving me the grit that I acquired to approach my budding life. I learned a lot about self-reliance and survival. I’ve always been confident that I can handle whatever life throws at me. Sort of like joining the Marines, I guess…but it wasn’t a place for sissies LOL.


Made Kimchi Jjigae, basically, following that Eric Kim recipe i made a week or so ago that has you turn it into a Korean American dish with pappardelle and parm regg. This time I made it with beef shank and rice cakes, no parm, upped the gochugaru and added gochujang. Very good, nice and spicy. Lots left over for future dinners. last of my kimchi-style cukes and the BF’s tomato/onion salad on the side.


Congratulations on your launch!


OK, now THAT is a bonus for cleaning out the freezer! Well done, YOU. :smiley:


I made a 7-minute egg (into boiling water, cook 7 min, drain and into an ice bath, peel). Then put into a small mixing bowl, top with a splash of ponzu sauce and a couple tbsp kecap manis (sweet soy). Baste occasionally over an hour. Halve and serve. :slight_smile:


I kind of love her. The milk :laughing::laughing::laughing:


Teardrop peppers? I think I know which ones you mean.

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If you ever want to cook a feast like that here in Asheville, I will let you add eggs to your heart’s content :laughing::laughing:


Sun Noodle Shoyu mazemen kit (frozen fresh noodles, sauce mix), Trader Joe’s pork belly, homemade ajitama, green onions.

Ajitama- boil eggs straight out of fridge for 6 min. Remove immediately to ice bath. Once cool, peel. Marinate in a 2 Part soy, 1 part mirin 1 part sake, + 4 parts water (50% water )plus aromatics (garlic, onion, star anise) for 48 hours in fridge.

Slice the pork belly and crisp slices a bit in a pan. Remove pork belly and you’ll have a few tablespoons of delicious pork fat in the pan. Remove from heat. Throw in the white parts of the scallion and a smashed clove of garlic. Set aside.

Mix noodles in bowl. Add egg and pork. Dress with garlicky oniony pork fat. Add green onions.


“Once a scout, always a scout!” Congratulations!

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A couple of dinners - catching up on the last day of January! I’ve been slowly purging a large accumulation of cooking mags, basically going through each and winnowing down the recipes I want to try before I donate the mag to the library. Crostini with white bean spread and spicy pickled cukes stood out. We had it for dinner, and I took the remainder to an evening function where they were gobbled up.

And last night, @MunchkinRedux 's chicken meatballs with orzo. I used a different pasta shape and doubled the veg in the pasta portion. Very tasty!


YES. I just had those for the first time recently and they’re addictive.

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that’s great, thanks!

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The ajitama recipe I stole from here:


I HIGHLY recommend his videos/website as an excellent intro to ramen and various fried rice techniques.