What's for Dinner #76 - the HO "Ho, Ho, Ho" Edition - December 2021

Yum! And love your bowls!



i’ll come over and help next time!


Pad Thai with rice noodles, shrimps, green beans, tofu, mung bean sprouts, eggs, peanuts, fish sauce, brown sugar, (and a little bit too much) tamarind


I remember when Biondanomina was in Berlin for a stint years ago :slight_smile:

Wow! Look who’s still around here!

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Did you smoke the steelhead yourself?

No, it’s from these guys: https://www.hudsonvalleyfisheries.com/collections/all-products?gclid=CjwKCAiAtdGNBhAmEiwAWxGcUlzanQ7yMt7DxtH9fsBt9-JNFxH4sV1N5gZMiXBwtHDIRIPB1KUQyhoCpVUQAvD_BwE

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@small_h absolutely everything on that website looks fabulous! Is it as good as it all looks??

The lox is awesome, and they sold a kit (I don’t see it now) that held two trout fillets, a pepper seasoning packet, and a cedar plank. That was also very good, but it came with this gross sweet honey dijon/mustard/horseradish sauce that I’m still trying to work my way through (I actually dipped the artichoke in it the last night, which was not terrible). So, other than the gross sauce, everything I’ve had I would recommend.


Too bad they’re not on Goldbelly. But I signed up for the 50% discount just in case :slight_smile:


Won’t they ship to you? The package deal I mentioned was on sale for Father’s Day, which was quite a bargain (I think it was $45, and we got four meals out of it). They have a booth at the Union Square Greenmarket in Manhattan, where I shop every week, so I have one of those little “buy 10, get 1 free” punch cards and am working my way through it.

They may well - I haven’t checked yet. But I got a giftcard for Goldbelly for my birthday and was hoping to use it on something smoky and fishy :wink:


I got Russ & Daughters lox and salmon/whitefish salad and two kinds of herring for my birthday last year and it was all spectacular!

Thanks so much for the follow-up info on the trout!

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Any time! R&D is a 15:00 walk from my house, and I’m lucky the lines are always so long, or I’d be there all the damn time.


So jealous and what a great idea!

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PA for the weekend doing Christmassy things, including a visit to Longwood Gardens. Last night’s dinner was a midnight visit to the waffle house. No drugs or alcohol were involved in this decision. Food was cheap and satisfactory. Those hashbrowns!


It Was Thyme. For reading, naps and lap sitting.

And vampirish shows of toofies while Momma was trying to read. :laughing:

A pork tenderloin was seasoned with olive oil and Penzeys’ Ozark seasoning blend with a handful of additional dried thyme. Into a 375° oven for 20 minutes, then pan juices drizzled over and a rhubarb-ginger jam I had made awhile back that I found in my freezer slathered on top. Finished cooking in the oven for another 20 minutes or so.

Sides were orzo cooked in pork stock and drained, with butter, salt, Penzeys’ Mural of Flavor and yet more dried thyme added, and finally steamed green beans (no thyme…just flaked sea salt).

Plated with some of the pan juices drizzled over the slices of pork.

No wine. Not with a mostly stuffy head (even though it’s definitely better than yesterday).

