What's for Dinner #64 - This Year's Almost Over, Thank Goodness! Edition - December 2020

I make my risotto to the consistency that we enjoy. Generally mine is a bit less flowy than the all’onda texture I understand that risotto is meant to have. Sssh, don’t tell. :wink:


Belgian production simply reflects the truth in this regard: chocolate - definitely good; spinach - meh.


I believe that the “all’onda” consistency is characteristic of Venice and surroundings. The Tuscan risotto is a bit drier.


Yep, risotto has always been the achilles heel on Top Chef.


That’s probably the problem contestants have on these shows. It’s subjective and based on the preference of the judge. I like mine to spread, btw. :relaxed:



Aborio and Carnaroli have completely different textures.

Yes, of course I know who Gordon Ramsay is. I had eaten in his ***Michelin Starred Restaurant Gordon Ramsay in London several years ago. I am a grand fan of his “Beef Wellington” !! And we had Hell´s Kitchen here in Spain quite a number of years ago in Spanish.

Though we very very rarely watch T.V.

I agree about the broth or stock to broth, should of been lighter in color.

Do you put butter and Reggiano Parmigiani Cheese too at the end ?

Check the next time you go to buy Italian rices …

Have a lovely evening.


And Chopped. (Oops - misspelled before.)

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Chopt. ???

That’s the salad joint. I meant Chopped, whoops.

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I made Flo Lum’s Portuguese chicken in the Instant Pot. DH made curried butternut squash and spinach + garlic raita from Meera Sodha. It was all good but the sides stole the show. Over cauli-jasmine rice.

DH portioned - I put a thigh back.


Leftovers plus some gorgeous, huge, fresh scallops.

Leftovers were - shiitake mushrooms, corn (that I shaved off the cob and mixed with Tajin, sour cream, and parmesan), spinach, and rice just because I wanted some.

Scallops were seared, then finished in a simple tomato-garlic-onion sauce.

An odd but delicious meal.


i baked baguettes for our dinner - shaved beef with slivered garlic/caramelized onion/cheesy melts. So rich! and BF worked today so he made fries for dinner instead of our usual brunch. Also his slaw.

I’m also working on a “faux” chicken bisteeya, started it today, will finish/assemble tomorrow. Faux because I’m using puff pastry - because it’s what I have and trying not to shop until next Sat. - instead of phyllo. I know it won’t be the same but it can’t be BAD, right??


Martha stewart baked potato . What ! It made sense. Wrap Yukon gold potato in foil . Bake at 325 for 90 minutes. I went a little bit longer. Competitive with my standard Idaho. Served with pan chicken and salad. Cheers .


Right, it’s hard for savory things baked in pastry to be bad. :yum:

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Bulgogi Rice Bowl

Thin sliced beef, mix of wild sweet purple rice & brown basmati, carrots, onion, pickled daikon, fried egg, ssamjang (spicy sweet, Korean bbq sauce), scallions & sesame seeds.

Red Cabbage Slaw

I had something similar with the banchan at a Korean BBQ spot in my ‘hood and wanted to try to recreate it. They used white cabbage but I had red and the other ingredients are yellow raisins, pine nuts and a dressing made w/white miso paste, sweet chili sauce, rice vinegar, sesame oil & vegenaise. :heart:

Dessert - Antico’s Mango Ice Cream

This incredible local ice cream (spun daily) has been one of my best friends during the dread. :relaxed: And the texture of this particular batch is like whipped mousse if whipped mousse was ice cream. :heart:


All looks amazing! Stealing the slaw.


gorgeous bowl!

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Caesar salad with tomato and avocado (shut up haters), sliced chicken breast, and cheesy bread stick, green beans with toasted almonds.



Pan fried chicken breast over a bed of rigatoni in a vodka sauce.