What's for Dinner #45 - 05/2019 - The Sunshiny, Flowery & Blooming May Edition

Being here reminds me that we eat first with our eyes, and inspires me to plate my food better than I otherwise might.

Your salad and gumbo look so appetizing!


you’re so nice! the BF is the pretty plater. as you can see from the messy bowl, i plated the gumbo! :smile:

Just FYI, Lebovitz has a slightly adapted version of the Food52 recipe for muffins on his blog, but I haven’t had much success with it, and it makes way more than 8 muffins. They don’t bake long enough to develop the nice crust of the full cake, either.

Welcome, Rich!

If you read the comments above, you’ll see we are eager to befriend you :wink:

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Thanks, MC.

I’ve grown nasturtium from time to time. It’s a lovely flower and I use young leaves in salad to give quite a peppery kick. I gather you can also dry the seeds and then grind them much as you would with a peppercorn - but I’ve never tried that.

My guess now is that Mendel came across the original recipe and its name but left out the nasturtium from the ingredients as it would be hard to find unless you grew it. Still, it was an OK omelette but not really any improvement on a tortilla espanola, except it kept up my asparagus intake which I vowed to do this year during our season for it.


Thank you!!!

Planning another dinner party tomorrow night - some interesting things to prepare. Looking at a Crab Bisque, using King Crab and Mango Cheesecake with a Rice Krispie crust instead of graham cracker.

Also considering a fresh ambrosia salad and shrimp wrapped in shredded phyllo.


Happy Birthday!
Many Happy Returns!


Thanks Phreddy!

I hope you enjoy the Indy 500!

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Today is the day…Happy Birthday! Somehow I know your plans will include a wonderful meal and libations! Wishing the best today and the upcoming year. :cake::champagne::gift:


Wow, great! Mine did it exactly opposite. He did it readily for the first 3 weeks to secure his position. Once he understood he was to stay, he stopped coming to our laps and very rarely in winter. I always say if my cat was a human, not sure he is my cup of tea. :rofl:


Last night we ate out at a Japanese noodle joint. Curry beef udon and another pork miso udon.

We also ordered a mullet botargo with sliced radish to share.



Happy birthday!!! You are having a celebration month?!! Wait to see your feasts!

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Thank you very much @meatn3! Yes, I have 3 dinners out scheduled this weekend & will post :relaxed:


Thank you very much @naf!


now you’ve got me wondering if i should try making a tortilla with loroco in it, a vine with flowers, that is popularly used in making Salvadoran pupusas. it’s mild, but discernible if you use enough. hmm…

Leftover fry up.

Spuds in the pan:

Meatloaf fried hard in butter:


I can’t say I have ever tried meatloaf hard in butter. Sounds tasty.


Lebanese chicken pie (fatayer) from a bakery in Brooklyn, with the rest of the turkish bulgur and lentil salad (kisir).

Copious amounts of watermelon later.



It’s so nice to be able to share this stuff with people who get it! I’ve traveled with people who found my travel coffee setup annoying. They didn’t see any reason not to just go to the lobby and get a cup of coffee upon waking. I like to start my day with coffee in hand before I begin to deal with what is outsde that door!


Windy day in the Boston area. Have to say I’m not really fond of 18-wheelers moving out of their lane while next to me on the highway because of strong wind gusts hitting the side of their trailer.

It’s Friday, so steak tips with Ballymaloe Steak Sauce, half a big-ass baked tater with TPSTOB and sour cream, and steamed green beans.

And wine.