What's for Dinner #43 - 03/2019 - the SMarch Edition

First grilled pizza of the year. Sadly, I’m out of practice and burned the bottom and didn’t get the cheese fully melted. Better luck next time. I had mine with grilled asparagus, sauteed mushrooms and onions and olives. Husband had sausage, green pepper, onion and olives. Baby had none…


I was referring or responding rather, to the much “bigger picture”

All we can really do is try to patronize our local brick & mortar businesses. Everytime we “click” and order on line we are chiseling away at these places. In doing so we are creating and fertilizing the system which ultimately will decrease our choices.


I’m guessing you’ve seen Traci Des Jardins to close Jardiniere next month

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Those cookie cutter condos are everywhere

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We had some homemade gumbo tonight, that Mrs. P (who is from New Orleans), had previously made at the beginning of the year. She had made enough for over 10 dinners and froze them in little containers. The original batch wasn’t as thick so she doctored it up tonight with some duck fat, flour, and Cajun spices to make it thicker & spicier. Below is a link to the original posting with pictures when it was made.


Happy anniversary! Now that’s what I call a celebration meal!

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Thank you very much @Saregama !

you’re probably right, and I hate the thought of this, but at least in my neighborhood there are between 10-15 family-owned little grocery stores within 5-8 blocks of us. and they’re all well-utilized! But, so is ours, and it doesn’t really matter if the owner of the building can sell it for millions to some condo developer.


brilliant idea to make enough to freeze for future meals!


i know. it really sucks. :frowning_face:

yes, and oddly enough, i’ve never been! meant to over the years, but the look of the place - so flashy - kind of turned me off. and then i tried her Mexi-place in the Embarcadero, Mijita, and wasn’t thrilled. She is half Mexican, though, and has another Mexican place in the Presidio, more upscale than Mijita, and I’ve only had drinks there, but would be game to try it out.

At least it’s not the end of her reign in San Francisco.

what a fabulous celebratory meal! Happy Happy!

Thanks @mariacarmen . We figured if you are going to spend 8 hours making something, you might as well get several dinners out of it :slightly_smiling_face:


I will be over shortly , to eat one of those little containers before they are frozen!!!


Ok @PHREDDY :grinning:

Not much can be done about that. Unfortunately owning your building is beyond the means of many small businesses. Seems to be the cycle of things. :disappointed:


very true.

A scrumptious anniversary feast! Congratulations and wishing you both many, many more happy times together.


My braised short ribs served with Mashed potatoes with the PSTOB…salt and pepper and some half and half… Super comfort food!!