What's For Dinner #113 - the Holiday Cookie Frenzy Edition - December 2024

Terrible night of sleep at the hotel for some reason, despite poppin’ ½ a melatonin :woman_shrugging:t2:

The trigger point needling wasn’t pleasant & for now seems to have made the pain worse, but hopefully that will improve over time. If not, I get to do it all again in 6-8 weeks :partying_face:

Our drive back after a relatively disappointing brunch was uneventful, and little traffic to contend with even on Skull Kill. Chonkster was delirious with joy about our return, as evidenced by a well-timed welcome poop :smiley:

Lazy dinner of that luscious salmon curry & leftover jasmine rice. After 3 nights in 3 different hotels within 5 days, it’ll sure be nice to be in our pad for a while.

If any of you missed it, our dear leader Linda is currently in the hospital for a heart attack. She is in good hands, but keep her in your thoughts, if you would <3 :pray:t2: