What's For Dinner #106 - the Sneezles & Wheezles Season Edition - May 2024

Our first day in Købnhavn was lovely. We got in early afternoon, bopped on over to Tivoli (much smaller than I expected), had a couple of beers in the sun & picked a promising looking wine bar for dinner, Bar’Vin.

Descriptions & deetz here.


Dinner at No. 30, recommended by @digga & the NYT 36 hours series :slight_smile:

A TINY place with rather cramped seating – not just the 2-top we occupied, which was squeezed into a corner with absolutely zero space to move my chair. Cozy!

Service was young, friendly, and swift. We opted for the 5 shared courses, which seemed to be the best deal & we didn’t have to make any choices. We shared a reasonably priced Riesling and a decent Blauer Portugieser with our meal.

After the obligatory bread & olive oil (both good)

the meal started off strong with a stunning mosaic of cured cod, leek emulsion and shiso, the fish subtle and tender.

Then the chef came out to explain the next dish: he had dehydrated, then rehydrated carrots (whyyyyyy), made a carrot sauce & served it all with heavy cream and habanero chili. It was a’ight. He probz coulda just poached the carrots to achieve a similar texture, and – while the habanero provided a pleasant tingle of heat in a cuisine that rarely provides it, I really don’t care for carrot sauce at all (once as a child staying over at a friend’s house, I poured a glass of that vile shit & took a big swig, mistaking it for multivitamin juice of the same neon-bright orange color #traumatizedforlifeyo).

Next up: another tartare. Our third within a week, and good. This had crispy rye bread and an abundance of radishes, which gave it a nice bite.

The fourth course was the ever-present and always welcome white asparagus – tis the season, after all. Two very al dente stalks with lovage blanquette and ramps.

It’s not a new trend to serve white asparagus barely cooked, and I don’t like it. The sauces were tasty, however. Those Danes really know how to lube things up deliciously :yum:

We were pretty full at this point & had also miscounted the courses, thinking the ‘sparagi were the final one, but along came another plate of turbot, crispy sourdough, beluga lentils, and more cream.

It was all good but we couldn’t finish the plate. Cream overload.

No room for dessert, as usual. Got a nightcap at the hotel bar – a beer for him, an ice-cold local gin straight up for me, as the only vermouth in the house was Martini Bianco. Yeah, no.


Curious if you’re giving up on low-carb. We rarely have carbs and it’s been successful in keeping both our weights down. Thanks. :grinning:

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There’s a lovely Burmese restaurant in Saskatoon of all places, that makes a great asparagus and shrimp stir-fry.

I’ve attempted it at home , but I’m not quite there.

Here is a recipe, not quite the same, but the same general idea.

Also, this


I gave up bread, pasta, rice, potatoes and beer when I ate at home, and I kept it up for about three years. It had no discernible effect on my weight. I’m still not going to go carb-crazy, but it just didn’t seem worth the effort.


Stuffed red bell peppers again with a twist. I need to use up some white wine and homemade veg stock so I’m going to make risotto to use in them instead of the jasmine rice I usually use. The filling will also contain ground turkey, sauteed vegetables (onion, zucchini, diced tomatoes, baby spinach), and Penzey’s Mural of Flavor seasoning. We shall see if risotto works as a stuffed pepper filling.


Rice bowl with components acquired from our favorite local sushi place, but assembled by me: salmon (marinated in soy sauce and sesame oil), kimchi, daikon, cucumber, tomato, pickled ginger, shiso, scallions, and brown rice.


More crispy, veggie pot stickers and the last of the gai lan with a blob of kimchi that I forgot I had in the fridge.
I used various condiments from my pantry, soy sauce, chili crisp, sesame oil and just a touch of oyster sauce for seasoning.


That looks like something I’d like to try.

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Hi Natascha,

How did I make the white asparagus? I sauteed them in butter and covered the pot so that they could steam a bit. Did I add water or wine? Don’t remember. They were good.

But the reason I wrote is because some asparagus eaters will only eat the green, and I wanted to know what you especially like about the white. I like the green, but I’m not sure I like them better. I’ll get more whites this week to see again what I think. I think!


Well, THAT was a fun week. :roll_eyes: And it’ll get more funner over the next month. Yay, me.

An easy dinner tonight: Wegmans sockeye salon filet with a maple-mustard glaze: 1 Tbsp maple syrup, approx 2 tsp stone-ground mustard, 1 tsp of sweet chili sauce for some heat, and a splash of lime juice for some tang, all mixed together and brushed over the salmon filet, cooked on parchment paper at 300° for about 15 minutes.

Served on leftover rice pilaf with sauteed spinach and garlic alongside.

Did I mention wine after the long week? No? Well, it was there.


That’s a cool thing to be able to do!


I feel lucky to be able to use their offerings that way! I didn’t have it in me to cook a whole meal tonight, but I did have enough energy to doctor stuff that was mostly already to go! I’ve gotten uni from them in the past for use on pasta.


“Then the chef came out to explain the next dish: he had dehydrated, then rehydrated carrots (whyyyyyy)”

Thanks for the laugh. I agree. Even so. I’m not a huge fan of carrots, but that carrot dish still looks pretty good to me.:slightly_smiling_face:


Petite filet of Wgayu beef on the grill. Garden asparagus. Grilled spuds.


I’ve been craving basic homestyle chicken curry, and finally procured the chicken last night, so even though I got home relatively late, I decided to cook it. Chatting with a friend while I cooked made it go faster.

I made turkish-style lentil soup a couple of days ago with some vegetables pureed in, so I added tempering of cumin and garlic and let it simmer a while to turn it into dal.

And some flowering cauliflower from chinatown that I was planning to cook Sichuan-style turned into indian cauliflower sabzi instead.

With some frozen chapatis and leftover rice, this turned into a fuller meal than I intended :grin:


Wedding anniversary celebrated with Popeye’s on the good plates.


Which number celebrates with Popeye’s on china?


The closest I come to “steakhouse” type food. Baked John Dory with lemon/parsley/caper sauce, roasted broccolini with garlic, baked potato with a lotta sour cream and chives but no butter.


Happy anniversary!
That chicken :star_struck: