What's for Dinner #103 - the Extra 24 Hours Month Edition - February 2024

Just a very simple pork loin roast and green beans with honey mustard dressing. On Fridays my interest in all things domestic is usually at a low point.


I feel that.

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Leftover cider pork roast, veg, and rice with green peas; new salad and green beans.

It has been a week! Praying my kiddo isn’t coming down with another icky illness. Just got him back asleep after a wet coughing fit.


2 posts were merged into an existing topic: What’s For Dinner #102 - the Out With the Old Edition - January 2024

The usual: myself and the ether. Who did you think?

Dinner last night was a veritable Goan feast with fellow Onions.

Posting my favorites here; the full meal is reported on the thread below.


Croquetas De Bacalhao


Tony’s Shack Cheese Mankyo (Squid in a creamy sauce)


Beef Fritters




Semolina batter spice marinated fried fish ‘Rawa Fry” kismor


Beef Cutlets



I just meant that I, too, know the feeling very well.


I wondered as well what you meant :upside_down_face:

Aah, I wasn’t sure what you meant. I’m sorry for what you have been through / are going through. (It’s oddly comforting that there are folks out there feeling similar feelings, even though the feelings are not the best and I wouldn’t wish them on anyone :flushed: :sweat_smile:)


Generally as time goes on, I am starting to agree with you guys on the NYT cooking. It’s just that when I first started using it, it was a rough dozen very good recipes that had been strongly recommended by friends and coworkers over the course of a couple of years.

So I started off with a pretty favorable bias. It’s only the last couple of years that I’ve tried quite a few now that don’t live up to the ones that had been hand-picked by friends.


:rofl::rofl::rofl: Freezer diving has saved me more times than I can count.


I take zero blame for the martinez and its consequences :upside_down_face: :smiling_imp:


Your dinner still looks amazing, despite your low ebb!


Looking at the menu online, I see that the squid dish has Amul cheese and a “garlic, pepper, and herb” roux. Any other flavors going on in there that popped out? Feels like the kind of thing I might want to try to reverse engineer at some point…

That meal looks awesome!

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All’s well that ends well.


There was a farmer had a dog and bingo was his name-oh. My local grocer has pork loin half-price this week, so I need to get a few more small ones like this.

My rosemary plant is dying so I shook off a bunch of needles and pasted with garlic and salt. Tasty and super easy, served with the last of grocery bag salad and some small steamed/buttered taters.

Unfortunately as often happens, I didn’t think to get a pic last night - this is slices for a lunch sandwich today.

Edit - I also made this yesterday/last night and stuck the whole pot in the fridge after it cooled to RT, recalling a recent convo about stuff that is better the day after it’s made.

It’s one of the “Hambeens” brand 15 bean soup plus my own alterations (mostly having to do with making a smoked pork hock/smoked turkey broth to use in the soup). It’s got so much collagen (or is it gelatin?) that even at room temp, it’s as firm as Jell-O out of the fridge.

My 2nd daughter is the on-call engineer this weekend at her production facility so she can’t go visit friends and implored my wife to come up and visit until tomorrow, so I sent about 2 quarts of the soup up with my wife, for my daughters lunches next week. I actually add about 1 more quart of liquid (broth) than what’s called for in the Hambeens instructions but it turns out great. We haven’t eaten this as a meal but I did “test” it while portioning out my daughter’s serving and Damn! it’s tasty.


Some folks remarked that it was like pasta — a light bechamel, the Amul component wasn’t overwhelming, and the squid had been cooked till tender.

Wouldn’t be hard to reverse-engineer — cook the squid in a light white sauce till tender, and finish with a little Amul. If you want a bit of heat, a little green chilli would work well (there may have been some, and possibly ginger or garlic, but some of the other apps had heavier spicing so I couldn’t detect them).

Would actually be nice over pasta (capellini).


Thanks! I was wondering with “shack cheese” in the title if they were trying for something like a Shake Shack cheese sauce, but a lightly cheesy bechamel makes more sense.

Buttery but light

ETA: If you’re making bechamel, PSA to make the croquetas!!!

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Croquetas are also on my list to do! I don’t have salt cod in the house currently, but February vacation is only a few weeks away!