What would you do with turkey thighs?

Celery salad is the best!

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Thank you!

Not sure how old you are, but I picked “shrinkrap” when there was no internet, and I was building computers on a listerv on compuserv.


I might go with an easy turkey thigh confit using SV to slow cook it in its own fat

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Planning to finish preparing this turkey tonight.

I made a simple braise for Thanksgiving. I had some rendered goose fat in the freezer, and used it to brown the thighs on all sides. Added some aromatics to saute, then stock that I made from roasted chicken and leftover BBQ rib bones (smoky!), a dash of red wine, and some herbs and spices (ancho powder, garam masala, oregano, thyme). The thighs simmered in a 270F oven for about three hours.


I don’t think I ever posted making this results during the celery topic. Its been regular rotation using sesame seeds, chopped seaweed, sugar, salt, and soy for some time. Light lunch easily put together. I used up the furikake pre mix and started using up the nori sheets instead.


I just fixed lunch and those turkey thighs are gonna be on my mind the rest of the day. Wow.

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Nice!! It’s a totally crave-able combo

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It’s 11:00 PM and I can’t stop thinking about that kombu celery. How long does it keep?

Done and done;

I wonder why you chill uncovered. It’s 30 minutes! What happens if it’s covered? And how long is it good? Also, the celery looks like it’s cut to 3 and 1/2 inch lengths, but is also split lengthwise. That’s what I did. And why are there still strings on celery? There is peas with no strings, and milk with no A1!

On Gardenweb-New Celery-Fewer Strings

Check this out !

Inner stalks may continue growing if kept at temperatures above 0 °C (32 °F)


Interesting! Did you enjoy the prep?

It was almost midnight! I enjoyed the idea that it was simple and easy! Otherwise I might have made the Celery Salad with Dates, Almonds, and Parmesan. I didn’t do as good a job of getting rid of strings as I will tonight.
De-stringing celery


I had to learn some textural adjustments myself. Tasty and I probably wouldnt have found the suggestion on my own.

Do you have a good way of de-stringing celery?

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Just seeing this- glad you made it!! Did you like it…?
I’ve never bothered to chill… instant gratification needed here :wink:
With the outer celery i try to pull off the thickest strings, seems what they sell (for a lot more) as celery hearts the strings are more tender- but, the celery flavor also isn’t as pronounced so i just deal and take off the worst of the offending stringy part.

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I use a paring knife and knick the outer layer at the cut edge and peel the length of the large stalk before cutting into smaller sticks- if that makes sense…?

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Apparently some people use a veg peeler

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I liked it a lot, and am working on simplifying it for impromptu snacks. Maybe keeping cut up celery, the sprinkle, and the wet separately.

I use a vegetable peeler and take thin strips off the top layer of celery. This work especially well on the outer thicker stalks.


Sounds like a great strategy, having the celery cleaned and cut ahead makes this super fast. And if you store in cold water in the fridge it will stay super crunchy too for a few days