What’s on your mind?

Well apparently the dealership called my husband to which he said “Her a$$ and her head are both still hot over this and you had better just leave her alone.” :rofl: :rofl: Bless his heart. Like I said, this place kept me from making a bad decision involving a lot of money so for that I grateful. Husband said if the sales department is like this, imagine the service department. :crazy_face: We did get to buy something that day. We ordered corn seed, fertilizer and nitrogen for 30 acres of silage corn and a Polaris Ranger that will be here in 10 weeks. We also talked to our bull supplier and are going to buy two of his good bulls in a couple of weeks. We had money- I guess we just didn’t look like it.


I’m wondering if part of the problem is more demand than supply, so they’re becoming complacent. Nevertheless, very insulting to treat customers that way, and naive as well. People like that don’t deserve your commission, period.


Damn. They really DIDN’T want your money! Glad you reviewed them - and glad you told them you could have paid cash. Quite frankly, how you were attired should have NOTHING to do with it. You already were approved by Ford Credit. They had crappy customer service, plain and simple.

You lasted 3 hours…I would have given them 1 hour. Don’t want my business? There are plenty of other dealerships to go to.

And I’m so very sorry you and your husband had to deal with such small-minded people.

But seriously - the last part I just quoted? “They called your husband.” YOU were buying the car - not him, correct? Regardless if the farm money was in both your names - YOU were buying the car. They should have been talking you TO, not to him.


Linda I agree. However, I think they knew they had screwed the pooch and didn’t want to talk to me. I don’t blame them. I am good with it now. Yes it was a weird experience. I still don’t know if the Sales Mgr or Finance Mgr wasn’t there and our salesman was trying to bluff for time or if he was just totally clueless. My husband’s theory was that he has just rolled and smoke him a joint or needed to roll and smoke a joint. I have told people at work this and they say “Only you Kelly.” I agree only me, I could write a book with stuff like this.

Edited to Add- Linda when I bought my F150- the salesman told my husband that I was the toughest woman he had ever dealt with. LOL And that was when I actually cared about what people thought of me. Imagine me 20 years later and I don’t care. LOL

Edited to Add: At least he didn’t “little lady” me. I HATE THAT. On a jobsite once, I was telling an excavation contractor that his plot points were off. He leaned back, put his big hands on his overall straps and said “Now little lady just what do you know about survey point”. Oh yeah don’t little lady me…ever. And I knew that his survey points were off cause my GUY did it with GPS and his guy did it with a chain and little beads. His survey put the building in the middle of a four lane highway.


I think that is a lot of it. Also this “no pressure, no commission” is making salespeople lazy.


My father used to tell the story of this guy in rumpled camping clothes and several days stubble walking into the posh(est) hotel in Banff. “Sorry, we’re full.” As it was an enormous hotel, mid-week, off season, the guy was a little persistent. Hearing conversation, a senior staff came from a back room and recognized Bing Crosby, fresh from a fishing trip. “Ahem, we actually DO have a room for you, Mr. Crosby.” He meant the story to be a lesson when i was at an age when appearances could often be deceiving.


My uncle sold cars. One day an old man in overhall and a beat up truck came in and wanted to know the price of the Corvette out front. Another salesman said “More than you got old man.” The old man proceed to take hundred dollar bills out of this front pocket. He bought two Corvettes that day- one for each son.


A wonderful woman used to work for my husband in his electronics business. She was 110% competent. When she answered the phone, guys would often say, "Can I talk to someone who knows …? She would say, “One moment, please.” Then hang the phone up on a hook they used when they were on hold. And let the boor wait until …


When I was in the coal business, men would call and ask to speak to the General Manager. I would hear him say “No you need to talk to the woman who answered the phones. She knows all the prices.” LOL I loved it. I always say “Do you want to speak to the man in the charge or the woman who knows what is going on?”


yeah, my sister spent almost 6 months looking for a certain car about 20 years ago. Her dealer told her husband the same thing: “She’s a tough negotiator!” My BIL said “Why do you think I’ll have her buy my next truck?” :wink:

And little lady…oh, do not EVER go there with me! Or “sweetheart”. No - I’m not your sweetheart, don’t you dare try and mansplain or demean me. I’m a customer, just like everyone else. I’ve done my research, I know what I want, and if you can’t give me a good price, I’m up and walking out of there.

A long time ago, I had the manager come running out to me asking what the problem was when I got the line from the sales guy “Will your husband be joining us?” as soon as I sat down, and I said “OK, we’re done here” and got up and walked out. Umm, dude. Do you SEE a ring on my left hand? And even if I did have a ring - I’m there alone. I’M the customer. Not my imaginary husband. You will speak with me, or you won’t speak at all. At least not to me.


Agree 100% Linda! I am the one who does the research on the bull pedigree and the EPD’s (Expected Progeny Differences). When we go bull shopping, my husband tells the man “She is the one you talk to.” He just has to like their look. I am the one who has to like their genetics and potential.




The UN’s list of the 10 Happiest Countries:

10 - New Zealand.
9 - Israel
8 - Norway
7 - Sweden
6 - Luxembourg
5 - Netherlands
4 - Switzerland
3 - Iceland
2 - Denmark
1- Finland


Happiest as measured how?


Angus is 8 months old and weighs 72 lbs.


Awww. Do you have another named Charolais? All labs matter by the way.

1 Like

No the other lab was Samson. He passed away in September of last year.


This is Parker. He will be 9 in June. He is 8lbs and full of beans!


This is Sista. She was a rescue. If her size matched her attitude, she would be a panther.