What’s on your mind?

(post deleted by author)

My mom had a troubled relationship with her own mother who was an extreme introvert named Esther. Esther had a powerhouse of an intellect. My mom was pretty extroverted and the two of them just did not get each other. I greatly appreciated my grandmother and think of her often. My mom was determined to have a good relationship with her own daughter so I profited greatly from this. My mom’s mantra was keep the lines of communications open always no matter what. Ha ha ha naw the bar was in Lansdale Pa. My grandparents had houses in stone harbor and Dennisville NJ. My SO and I were welcome to stay at the one Dennisville house and did so. Our late night splurge was the Cape May Courthouse diner. We mostly pointed the car to stone harbor but once in awhile went to cape may. And of course Wildwood.

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Some Italian families have a tradition of of one empty chair on Christmas Eve for a lost loved one. And the feast of the seven fishes cannot begin until someone sees the first star come out. My dad had a business partner named Joe who was like a second father to me. He would have done the bouncing. He taught me how to box. Very shortly after he died I fell asleep thinking of Joe. I dreamed that I asked him if he loved me. I was very upset. I stood in line at the register and looked behind me and there he was. He looked at me gently and sadly. The very next day his sister handed me a wallet sized picture of me she had found in Joe’s wallet. Her name was Rose. She was a little bit annoyed as she said “there were no other pictures in his wallet but this one.”


Happy Pride Month Everyone!

The US embassy in Berlin is flying the rainbow colors :heart: :orange_heart: :yellow_heart: :green_heart: :blue_heart: :purple_heart: :brown_heart: :black_heart: :white_heart:




Hello Everyone:

Something is on my mind that I’m not able to shake.

There have been some interesting interpretations/ perceptions happening since about a week ago on the platforms and the full moon (Strawberry Super Moon) is tonight !

There have been unwelcoming nasty comments made and it is not the first time.

It is true that people attach the emotion to whatever is posted.

When someone has been made to feel unwelcome and many take that opportunity to pile on the nasty…

Well, I take that personally then I don’t feel welcome either !

If someone is being made to feel unwelcome and people :fork_and_knife: those comments.
It’s the equivelent of “high fiving” and riduculing that person.

Why can’t people just put their device down and walk away for awhile?

Food for thought:


Just a reminder:


I agree for the most part, but I don’t understand this part.

What I meant by that is it doesn’t matter what you write or how you write it.

You could think that you wrote something nice yet the person on the receiving end “attaches the emotion” through interpretation.

When you meet face to face you have body language, facial expression and tone of voice to gauge the meaning of the words.

On the internet one just has the words of the sender to make their perception with.

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What does that mean? I look fat in this suit. Is that what you are trying to hint at with that comment? I look like a fat cow in a pinstripe suit, that’s what you are really saying here right?

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:thinking: :joy:

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Did you inadvertently insult someone?

If you are referring to someone making a suggestion and others egos getting in the way then perhaps yes.

That’s not what my post is about.

I’m not. It’s hard to tell from your post whether you were on the receiving end of unpleasantness, or you were the accidental deliverer of it.

I was an observer to the abuse and that makes me feel unwelcome.

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Ah, okay.

Thank you for asking me to clarify.

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And thank you for doing so. Not everyone would have.


Did you comment on it on whichever thread it happened?

Otherwise it’s a bit of a non sequitur and people are unable to connect the dots or help the situation.


The thread was locked and comments were removed.

P.S. At least the last time.

I believe that people are very aware when they are not being nice or respectful.

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People are people.
The internet doesn’t change nature, just concentrates it.

I commented on a restaurant thread where someone was openly racist in their review, then threw a tantrum and threatened to leave because they were called on it, and other people on the thread defended them and begged them to stay because the regional board needed activity and some of us were being too touchy. (Oh, someone also told me/us to “suck it up” ie STFU, but no, that’s not going to happen.)

So, as I said, people are people.