What just doesn't taste the same anymore - foods from childhood

Yeah, I only ever get them in Lent - they’re two for $5 at a lot of locations until Easter.

Tater tots! I had some last night and they were smaller and really didn’t have much taste. (Reminds me of the old joke - how was the food? Terrible. And small portions!)

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Not that I ate them in childhood, but I think there’s been a major change in the Ferrer Roche chocolates with the hazelnut in the center. Used to like them around the holidays. Had one a few weeks ago & I could hardly eat it. The chocolate reminded me of the new bad Hershey’s chocolate syrup.


I used to love Wink too. Especially the cool shaped bottles.

I don’t see either it or Squrt these days.


I have a hard time believing Tater Tots were actually ever tasty.
How they became a modern culinary treat still escapes me. :smiley:

Maybe I just used a lot of ketchup, which, BTW does not taste the same anymore either!

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I definitely agree with that!

Tater Tots, when properly cooked are quite divine. IMO

Haven’t noticed the ketchup tasting different either - buy Heinz, but don’t use it much.


Chef Boy Arde Ravioli doesn’t taste the same … I had my once a year obligatory can last week. You see I was living hand to mouth in college and a can was main meal.
I think it tastes better today…I don’t have to drown it in packets of parmesean and hot pepper flakes (grabbed from the local pizza joint), I do not need the pepper flakes, but the cheese …definitely


I made them according to package instructions. I used to love them.


I still like the white chocolate coconut macadamia ones though…

I miss Tab. I have a vivid memory from my college dorm, in 1969. Clad in a nightgown, I took the elevator down to the basement vending machines, inserted my coins, and pressed the button for Tab. The cans kept coming…23 of them! Happily, it was a long nightgown, so I was able to gather it into a pouch to hold my unexpected bounty en route back to my room. Ever since, when a vending machine stiffs me, I slough it off as a rebalancing of the scales of karmic justice.


How about white castle? They seemed better many years ago. My grandmother told me she used to get them for a nickel a piece.


Totally can picture!!!

My only quibble with the current White Castle slider is the price of each.

Growing up, we always had cans of that on hand. Unlike a lot of foods from childhood, I really loved it. So yes, about once a year I have to have some. I hope I don’t get banned from this site, but I confess to eating it out of the can cold :scream_cat: Now I want some for lunch!

Do you have the Ore-Ida brand over there? They are the best. But I haven’t cooked any from frozen for many years, so maybe they have changed. I do occasionally get them at pub style restos and they’re always very good. I like them better than fries.

They are the best Christina! Meant to pick up a little 3 pack for a treat yesterday but forgot. Sadly my treat was just a glass of Flouish Chardonnay, chilled to perfection and enjoyed in our current hot weather. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

That’s a hilarious story - thanks for posting, gave me a good laugh.

I don’t have time to re-read this entire thread, but wanted to thank everyone for the suggestion to buy Talenti pistachio gelato. Finally remembered to get some yesterday. I think the rather lurid green color had put me off. But one taste has me hooked forever, it is so freaking good!! And big pieces of Sicilian pistachios too - big bonus. Now I’m not so butt hurt about Hagen Dasz changing their recipe, I’ll just never buy it again. And Ben & Jerry’s version has way too much almond extract.

When kid #2 was studying abroad in Rome and asked me what I wanted from there, I said Sicilian pistachios. Despite going to Florence and a few other places south of Rome, she was never able to find any.
Bummer. But she found some other cool stuff.

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