What have you purchased recently off the internet. Food wise . Or pots , pans . Etc.

After talking with my 92-year-old mother in Ohio tonight, I ordered some classic hard candies for her to see if they will help her with a new condition she has developed with dry mouth. She mentioned really liking the old-fashioned Dad’s Root Beer Barrels. They were available on Amazon, and I also ordered Claeys Old Fashioned Lemon Drops for her. Hoping they will stimulate saliva production. I also think she will be more likely to pop a piece of candy in her mouth than remember to use the mouth spray her dentist recommended to her…


Certainly sounds better than a mouth spray!


She still lives indpendently in her own home and drives. She is generally very healthy but is incredibly forgetful.


I am thinking my last post might be confusing. It’s my local dumplings that aren’t great and pictured.

I just ordered some Mila soup dumplings, and was encouraged to share this

Not my intention, and wondering if it’s against HO rules since @kobuta didn’t share one, but apparantly I get a discount on purchases of $70 or more if you use it.

It’s not hard to get10 percent discount, and I’m tagging the mods just in case it’s “wrong”. I did indicate I learned about them here on HO!

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Where did you get the seafood?


I thought I had mentioned it on this thread, but it was on this one.

I think you did but I could not find it. I remember looking at it and being jealous that you had the resource. I thought maybe that was a different thread, I was hoping this post was a mail order thing.

Delivery is $15 in the “SF Bay area”, which is a great deal for me in my particular neck of the woods. I don’t know how they do it!

Stop showing off. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: I think my sister lives in your neck of the woods and I suspect this is a business she has mentioned to me. They have gifts cards which might make a good gift for her. I used to think you might be her , but I don’t think she tends her garden as much as you do.


I think I’m going to take that as a compliment!

Honestly, living here isn’t for everyone. I’m sure many folks here on HO can get good sashimi or shop for this kind of fish were they live, and maybe they think these prices or making it at home or paying for delivery is crazy!

In the past I’ve relied on it being delivered frozen from the central coast, and with a minimum order. At this rate I could see myself making friends with the delivery person!


Yes, please do. I was just thinking of your posts on the garden topic. My sister likes to garden but I don’t think she is as successful at is as you are.

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They’re here!


My mom has one that looks identical to that. Lovely piece.

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These are the eggiest, springiest noodles in dry form. I so adore these. Then, I found them at a bigger grocer 20 minutes aways and have to make them once a week. I plan to replicate with the KitchenAid.

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How did you like them? I just noticed that Costco sells them online. Three bags (Pork, chicken, shrimp/pork) for $99 including shipping. That is a little cheaper than buying directly from Mila. It also comes with a streamer basket and 4 cheap looking dipping bowls. I wish it came with the new pho flavor. They also sell three packs of individual flavors for $99. They do not include the steamer FWIW.

Mila Starter Pack Xiao Long Bao Soup Dumplings - 3 Bags, 1 Bamboo Steamer, 4 Dipping Bowls | Costco

I just had to have them, but I haven’t tried them yet!

I thought about the Costco option, but having that many dumplings in my freezer might interfere with a few of my other goals for the year. :grimacing:


I bought these, delivered today and on the menu for dinner with bok choy and snow peas.
Will report back in WFD.

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LOL It is a lot. I had the same thought.

Bought this from Heritage Foods during a sale . Both loyalty"gifts" were the Heritage pork chops.

I had to clean the tenderloin medallions up a bit but they worked great in this Pinchos morunos.


Fair warning! I’m not talking about wild salmon, which I understand is far superior for a number of reasons.

I bought three kinds from Truefish, just because they had three.

In addition to generic Atlantic, there was Faroe island, both described here on Faroe Seafood

And Ora King, mentioned here on Food and Wine ;

I think I’m curious about your thoughts, or maybe I’m just sharing.

One will get the usual “Pacific Norwest Grill” treatment, from The New Basics Cookbook Julee Rosso and Sheila Lukins

I will try this recipe with the skin on piece.