What have you been watching lately?

Killing of a Sacred Deer

If you liked that one (and it is NOT for everyone. There were many walkouts at the festival screening I saw it at) I really recommend all of his films.

The Lobster is probably his lightest film, in that it’s definitely a comedy, if a pitch black one. Dogtooth has some nasty bits of violence.


Is it full ?

The often sell out. They managed to sell out two showings of Jodorowsky’s Holy Mountain, one on a weekday! The sold out Stalker, for Pete’s sake!!

I got a membership, so we get the schedule a week or so early each month so we get to pick up tickets before the general public. But even so, there are more members than theater capacity. They’re hoping to expand at some point in the next year, but they’ll need new space. They’ve clearly shown there’s a willing audience for what they’re offering.


I’m such a fan of Lanthimos. I loved Dogtooth, then The Lobster, then Killing… The Favourite is, ironically I guess, my least favourite of these.

And if you like those, definitely look into the work of Athina Rachel Tsangari (although based on how you write about film, you probably know of her although I don’t know if the TV series, Trigonometry made it to the US).

You might be the first HO whose cinephilia is in keeping with my own.

A new name!! Awesome!!

A quick google shows she was co-producer for some of Lanthimos’ productions, so I’m immediately sold on giving her a try.

As a return, I’ll mention two directors that I really like that aren’t terribly well known to most:

Panos Cosmatos is a Canadian director and has a small filmography: Beyond the Black Rainbow, a dystopian psychedelic sci fi drama, Mandy, a deeply weird horror film about cults, motorcycle demons and starring Nic Cage in full on Nic Cage mode, and “The Viewing”, an exercise in Lovecraftian dread that’s part of The Cabinet of Curiosities series on Netflix. He has a particular affection for the aesthetics of the late 70’s / early 80’s with big washes and smears of color, chunky architecture and early analog/digital mashups.

The other is a Japanese director, Sion Sono. I can’t even begin to describe his oeuvre, as it swings from deeply weird, boundary pushing content (R100) to absurdist comedy about kaiju and superheroes (Big Man Japan), to a FOUR HOUR surreal romance (Love Exposure. )

His filmography is broad and deep and you’re bound to find stuff that will surprise and delight (I hope).


Mandy was fantastic. Its entire aesthetic was pulp 1980s mass marked paperback book cover. And Nic Cage.

I’m just not a Nic cage fan. The end of the new Wickerman was really enjoyable tho !

There’s a new movie coming soon starring Nicolas Hoult called Renfield.

Nic Cage plays Dracula.

I can’t wait!!

Sounds like a good role for him he can just be himself !


I think face/off was the one that did me in for him

Currently catching up on season 1 (and maybe 2 if we like it enough) of “Party Down.” I’d never heard of it, but the NYT did a little thing on the 3rd season coming out soon. I like most of the peeps in the cast, i…e Lizzie Caplan, Adam Scott, Jane Lynch, and it’s harmlessly entertaining humor.

It’s originally from 2009/10 and is about a catering company and their various gigs.


Rewatching Yellowstone Season 3. Going back to Cali is one of the best scenes.

As an aside, we stayed at a hotel last night with cable. Watched two shows called Yellowstone Wardens and Louisiana Law. Both shows are an absolute embarrassment to their respective states.


Finished watching the Glass Onion. Good entertainment. Structure is very similar to that of The Hateful Eight.

I’m one episode into 1923! So far, so good - really wonderful television. Much better than most of the newer movies I’ve seen recently.

Very old school Hollywood with expensive budgets and beautiful photography, and more colourful and ‘richer’ than 1883 so far.

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Thanks (?) to @Lectroid for the nudge to watch “Mandy,” which we finally did yesterday. I almost gave up on it after about 40 minutes of nothing, but sortakinda glad I waited it out.

Bizarre, and yes, VERY Nic Cagey :scream: :rofl:

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That guy takes/films some safety risks! I’m doing lots of cringing. I was thinking of this one.

Is my cringing just a United States thing? Maybe because some of us give and get health care “privately”?

But apparently it’s not just me. ( I love the image of the Cotswold in Agatha Raisin!)

I have a great deal of respect for the risk one takes putting all their eggs in an agriculture “basket”, no matter the country.

Still watching!

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I will be watching season 2 tonight without subtitles. Looking forward to watching it .

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Yeah I saw them all, and more. I watched the whole season. I was wondering why he was promoting careless unsafe stunts like that. He also peels his thumb to the bone in the kitchen. That kind of unsafe action in my opinion is very wrong. But again, it could encourage people to use safety precautions showing what happens otherwise.
Anyway for him it’s just a helicopter ride away to get treated. Lol.
I would have loved to see a few more seasons of the show but according to the current situation come up due to his behaviour Amazon has cancelled a fourth season I hear. Also his Grand Tour will end after next season as Amazon will be cutting all ties with him. What a way to end a successful career.

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I am enjoying the second season . No subtitles. It reminds me very much when i was in Austria and Germany with my girlfriend who was born in Austria. For five weeks i sat at the table listening to the local dialect. No English. Eating and drinking the local food . The best was sitting at a table in a gasthaus in a very small village in Austria in the kitchen. I was told i was the only American ever to sit at the table .Privileged . Heck yea . I called this whole adventure. TABELING .Watching this reminds me of that .


No cringing, but that’s because any damage done to that c*** is justice imo. Why he’s still given a platform is beyond me.

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