What goes on your burger

About the only thing I’ve heard put on a burger that turns me off is the Aussie convention of sliced pickled beets. That’s just gross.

My all time favorite is avocado, alfalfa sprouts and unmelted grated cheddar cheese - the “Austin’s Favorite” from the long gone and oft-lamented Mad Dog and Beans. I still make them at home several times a year.

<Thread Drift Alert!!!>

I L-O-V-E blue cheese/avocado combinations.

I like to marinate tomatoes, onions, fresh basil and sometimes black olives in olive oil.

Toast one inch slices of crusty bread under a low broiler then flip them and layer the tomato blend, spoon on the crumbled blue cheese. Back in the broiler until just melty, then layer on thin slices of avocado and enjoy.

A light drizzle of balsamic never hurts either.


Have we talked about corn on a burger? I had it in Linz, Austria (bound with mayo). Odd but tasty.


Never thought of that. Here’s another variation on a burger with corn.

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Sounds as appetizing as a peanut butter and sardine sandwich!:dizzy_face:


Bacon and PB sandwiches are tasty, so I’m willing to try PB on a burger . I’m too far away to try a Gubernator, so I’ll go to one of the places in Toronto that offers it.

I think I will try PB on a burger, without the other condiments. Meatballs are good with peanut sauce.

I think PB could be good, as long as people hold off on adding the ketchup and relish.

Not sure about Nutella , at Holy Chuck in Toronto


PB burgers are awesome.

Fresh PB, not the stuff from a jar. Just fresh roasted, salted peanuts, churned to a nice gooey consistency.


Satay sauce would be good, too


We used to eat there because it was where we turned south to head to lake of the Ozarks and points south.
But no peanut butter burgers for me!
The Wheel had a tremendous sign :radioactive:

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One of the best burgers I’ve had had PB mixed into the ground beef, then charred nicely on a flat griddle, topped with a fried egg, 3 slices of bacon and caramelized onions, all encased in a brioche bun.

At that point, not a really a burger in any sense of the word, but goddam, was it delicious.

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Ok… the cheese I last bought 2/23 has two slices left (which I will use tomorrow). Still looks good as new.


OMG that looks good

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I don’t put lettuce on burgers or hot sandwiches, either.


I’ll put lettuce on burgers, lots of it, but no other hot sandwiches.

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Here it is …

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Same .

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I like horseradish havarti, provolone, mild cheddar or baby swiss. Baby swiss with reduced mushrooms/onions is my #1. Kraft singles are NOT delicious to me. Vegetable oil is not a flavor that’s grown on me.

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Reviving this thread since mustard and burgers came up in the “homemade is worse” thread…


Putting mustard on burgers can change the taste experience, giving a sharp and tangy boost that makes the flavors better. I’m all for it, especially with some melted cheese and a juicy patty.