What food if any do you hide from your family so only you can eat it, and not share?

Not as long as the bacon was crispy.


I hide peanuts, peanut butter, and dark chocolate. I will also ask my DH not to eat all the cottage cheese if I want a shot at it.


I will gladly send you all the cottage cheese I ever encounter! But I do like ricotta and farmers cheese.

We have a new cottage cheese that we love - brand is called Good Culture. First time DH ever was drawn to the stuff. He likes it with melon I eat it on crackers or anything. We buy the 4% stuff. https://www.goodculture.com/about#ourstory


I love Good culture! I would buy it for myself and kemps for the kiddos. My Costco carried it for a month and I was in heaven.

Now it has disappeared from Costco so I would say I’m a cottage cheese hoarder/ hider


Not because I like to eat them in secret, but because my DH tends to binge on peanutty things, and then I’m frustrated when I go to make our kiddo a sandwich or add peanuts to a recipe and it’s all but gone.

Similar with dark chocolate - I tend to savor a bar over weeks or months. Him, not so much.

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