What Fast Food Chain Do You Love?

I always seemed to be in DC in the middle of summer. Thank God the Smithsonian is free . . .learned a lot just trying to enjoy the free AC.


I didn’t have a credit card until I was 28.

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I was very thin back then; everything was kind of too large. So I got to “grow into” my stuff, I guess. As for the wrappers we wear; it’s not fair but it is the truth - how we present ourselves sends a (flawed, but that’s the way it works) message of what others can expect from us. I used business formal as a cudgel and shield way back then. As I said; it’s unfair, but that’s the way things mostly roll. Maybe I needed a flatbread blazer.

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There used to be one at 7th/Hope downtown for years, but I think the pandemic killed it. There also was one at Fox Hills Mall, but that one recently went out of business, too.

I was fortunate. When I was in college my parents had me apply for a credit card. Then they would use it (and pay it) enough so that I’d have established credit when I graduated. Perhaps that’s a perk of being the youngest child? I benefited from my sisters’ miscues? (Probably the only perk.)


I was an authorized user on one of my dad’s cards. I’m sure that helped me build a credit score … if they even had them way back when. Then I got to work on my own. I try to teach younger people about how to build credit.

Nowadays, you can apply for credit at age 18. This is how a lot of college kids get into trouble. Back in the dark ages, it used to be 21.


I and my parents were immigrants. They didn’t know how anything in the US worked, and I had to figure it all out on my own. So there was no thought to anything like building credit history as a youth!


What are everyone’s thoughts on Raising Cane’s?

I’ve never tried them, but I saw two of them last week in Riyadh (and it appears one is opening in Times Square). What’s their deal?

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We have one downtown, but I’ve not yet tried it.

It’s chicken tenders with dipping sauce. Exciting stuff, for sure.

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I know some people love Cane’s. and some consider them to be pretty bad (many polar opinion). I am ok. They are fine. A little bland.

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I like the Texas Toast and coleslaw at Raising Cane’s. Especially together.

Nothing quite like a Texas Toast coleslaw sandwich.

And you can get it for less than $5 (some self assembly required, however).

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We have had one nearby for about a year, and I’ve tried it twice. I guess its alright if you like chicken fingers. I believe that’s all they have. I prefer dark meat chicken on the bone.


Tried it once a few years ago. That was enough. Don’t eat chicken fingers, so not for me…… but I think my young grandkids would love it.


Plenty of native born don’t know this stuff either, sadly. There should be some sort of life skills course that teaches this stuff. It would save so many people from making uninformed decisions.

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I highly recommend the documentary " Maxed Out" (2006) for all teenagers who are or will be managing their own money and anyone else who may be considering a life with plastic currency. Our teens were forced to watch it and I bought a copy for the high school to show in their consumer finance classes (before those were cut out). What ever happened to ‘practical life’ education in public schools?

They’re okay. I like that they are open late (at least the ones near me), but I hate that their app won’t let you sub-out more than one side. In-person or at the drive-thru I can easily get one of their combos with only coleslaw and no fries or Texas toast, but on the app one can only specify “No __” for one side and indicate its substitute.

I know it’s fried chicken fingers, but I’d rather have an occasional cheat meal that doesn’t turn into a dietary catastrophe! :upside_down_face:

By the way, as an aside, what’s up with the three posters who seem to want to talk about anything under the sun EXCEPT the topic at hand? Good grief, I mean there’s thread drift, and then there’s active thread derailment!


No judgments, but aren’t you doing exactly what you’re complaining about?

That was me in 2000. They were offering them in our student center. That lender finally closed my card for inactivity in the last year or two. It was helpful to have a credit history but I can see how it could get one into trouble.

And back on topic…is it me or has Taco Bell declined? :wink:(ducks)


Did you miss the first two paragraphs of my post about Raising Cane’s, a fast food chain, in response to another poster’s inquiry for opinions on said chain?

I’ve never been that big of a Taco Bell fan, but I tried them about a year or two ago and was seriously let-down from what I thought I remembered them to be! What happened to the fresh veggies??

I’m exclusively a Del Taco customer now – their milkshakes are surprisingly well done, too! My favorite “hack” is to get one milkshake that is both chocolate AND strawberry – sometimes they struggle with parsing it, but when they get it right it’s delicious! :drooling_face: