What are your culinary aspirations & goals for 2024?

I’m going to watch all the videos on the “Yes, Chef” subscription my son gave me.

I will continue to work on getting less food waste in the garbage bin, and more into the greenbin. My family doesn’t cooperate much at all. It’s not why it’s a goal for me, but this ysear the state laws allow for fines.

I will continue to increase my cooking with vegetables.

I will experiment with accepting more help by way of using some prepared foods like Taylor Farms salad kits.


I think this is a fallacy of sorts.

Even if the fast food institution in question is a chain (as opposed to a franchise, which means that each store is individually owned by a franchisee, who is presumably “local” as opposed to a faceless corporate entity), the money you spend at a fast food restaurant – a good portion of which – will still go towards paying the employees, who are presumably local.

And truth be told, most corporate-backed restaurants – be they chains or franchises – offer better wages and benefits (e.g. healthcare, 401k and/or pensions, etc.) than most “mom and pop” places.

In fact, I would say some of the most unscrupulous restaurants are run by the oft-named “mom and pop” people.

[getting off soap box now]


I also avoid mom and pop shops if the owners seem sketchy or icky.

I’m even avoiding an indie restaurant I like because the owner has been supporting some political stuff I don’t support.

My Saturday night take-out supper was intentional, to support a business owned by someone in the community who has been having a hard time due to international events.

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I hear you on this. Our spending is intentional in this household too, to the extent we can manage. We’re continuing to support local business owners in our community this year.

Gives us a vote, however small, on what we’d like to see in our neighborhood. I appreciate a mix of independent businesses like “our” diner, breakfast and lunch cafe, indie coffee shop, Sichuan restaurant, and so on. We already have a glut of pizza shops, nail salons, and Dunkins, so all good there. LOL.

By supporting independents, I have seen business owners put down roots and earn livelihoods in our town. I have had a warm place to go for a meal or a coffee during the extended power outages we sometimes get here. Had a business owner take it upon herself to drop off a care package of food to our house during a sad life event. Gotten to witness someone who needed flexible employment be able to raise kids with the help of a job that has provided stability for years.

That’s my rationale.


I intend to branch out by trying my hand at preparing more foods that I have never prepared myself. The first six months of last year were vexing because pain from a nagging shoulder injury limited my kitchen activity. I have been working on getting that cooking spark back.

Nothing like something new to reignite interest. :smile:


This is a Book-Cover problem. You can miss out on a lot of really great food.

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I’m female. If I’m getting an unwelcoming look or glance, that I consider sketchy or icky, or where when other customers make me feel unwelcome, I go elsewhere. Doesn’t happen that often.

I’m not talking about avoiding places where the owners are less than attractive, wear an eye patch or have a hunchback, etc.


I watch for overall level of clean. That includes the owner’s and servers’ attention to personal hygiene. And the restrooms, which may be single/unisex used by all customers and staff - those MUST be clean if food-safety is to be delivered.


Sorry, I didn’t see the connection between “sketchy and icky” and unwelcome.

IMO, homogenized, sanitized, identical, low interaction, corporate-dictated places are powerful arguments to favor trying Mom & Pops, even if there’s some sketch and ick. The food better be good, though.

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I love trying hole -in -the-walls. That’s not what I meant by sketchy.

I tend to try a lot of food made by places with little hype. I love trying new things. That was part of what drew me to the old Blue and White Chowhound. I was seeking out tamales for my 30th bday party. 20 years later, there are a lot more places to buy tamales in Toronto.

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There’s quite a range between those two ‘extremes,’ as I’m sure you are aware.

Of course, and you recognize that it’s a continuum. Frequently there’s some sketch and ick. This is not uncommon even in inner city chain fast food places.

Coming up on a year ago, I did a very positive review of this place: Soundview "Bar & Grill", Everett, WA

It’s a prime example of the value of not prejudging the “cover”, but I admit some trepidation about entering. Totally welcoming, comfortable, and excellent tavern food. Frankly, that’s been a near-constant in my experiece with “biker” bars.

Wahine and I have a routine where we’ll go in anywhere and everywhere. If the vibe isn’t right, we’re ready to pirouette right back out, but almost never is it from the sketch or ick quotient.

I have a favorite beer place that taps rare-around-here-barrels of Goldilocks pilseners… An inside joke about the place is that the mens’ room is some rare mix of filthy, acrid and graffitied (the ladies’ room is kept immaculate and with fresh flowers). I have a buddy who refuses to go back, because he doesn’t appreciate the joke. His loss.

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Reign in my cooking impulse more when I encounter a dish or food I like. I do have the equivalent of culinary ADHD, and my refrigerator and freezer suffers for it.


I go through phases. Nothing wrong with that, imo.

My fridge is very often at 95% capacity. Even at the best of times, it’s 60% filled. The Freezer is worse because of the meat share I have and occasional trips to Costco. I go through spurts and make sure I can work that down reasonably, but it’s still full.


A few hives last night, probably something in the pork tourtière. I survived. Lol

Fell off my no chain bandwagon. First Starbucks drive thru of the year, a tall nonfat dirty chai, $6.72 Cdn. Jan 12 at 11 am. LOL

I just had a (warranty) service call on my fridge, because it was flashing an error code. My own thermometers said the fridge and freezer were holding temp OK, but the service person said - they’re both so full that the air isn’t circulating properly and the thermistors can’t get a good reading so they’re saying, we don’t know what the temp is. So I took some things out/used up some stuff without restocking - no more error messages. Warning now heeded.


I wondered about that. My 2 thermometers suggest my fridge is slightly warmer than 4 ⁰ C, but everything feels cold and nothing has been going bad. My fridge has been very full for a month.

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  • grow the YT channel (which invariably includes learning more about the food world)
  • give a food tour in Tokyo
  • try new types of cheeses in concert with any variety of egg dishes/sandwiches/apples
  • go hammer and tongs and learn to read Hindi, i.e. to better understand menus in that language

I fell off the wagon.

Burger King breakfast sandwich on Jan 27th, McD’s on Jan 29th :rofl: