What are your culinary aspirations & goals for 2024?

Which wagon was that? Ya got 11 more months to catch it :wink:

I’ve been slacking a lil on that whole AT LEAST one new recipe a week. Gotta get better about that, but it’s been tough since we’d been dealing with so many leftovers!


The avoid multinational chain fast food wagon


That’s why wagons were invented…

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(post deleted by author)

My goals were “more protein, less sugar.”

I guess I’m doing ok on these. For the protein goal, I have:

  • resumed my practice of lunch-prepping for the week by grilling a pile of heavily-seasoned chicken thighs, which make a perfect cold lunch.

  • resumed breakfasting on Good Culture cottage cheese, the only brand I enjoy. It’s frequently out of stock, unfortunately. But I definitely find if my first meal is protein-rich, the rest of my day, nutritionally, is on much better footing.

As far as the less sugar goal… definitely consuming less of it than I do between Thanksgiving and New Year’s, during which I basically have whatever I want. But the cravings are still pretty killer.


Schizophrenic order of the year.

And we’re only in January.


Cheeseburgers for 2 different people. I don’t like condiments lately. LOL.


My goal was less sugar. Life has thrown some curveballs which have led to more sugar :rofl:

I managed to not gain any weight during the holidays. I have gained around 3 pounds since Jan 7th. :rofl: I have maintained this slightly higher weight since January 25th. I won’t blame the BK and McDs over the past 4 days. :joy:

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