Weather report . Mysterious traveler .
Are you getting snow in June?? (LOL)
Ha ha . No 91 degrees
Love them! I saw them in Spokane, WA in a renovated grand theater in 2016? They opened for The Mavericks. AATW was the better act that night.
Monday Morning Classics: Grieg, Piano Concerto in A minor, Op 16, Berlin Philharmonic. Rise and shine!
Ditto! We should do a topic just to highlight Covers.
A good song is a good song no matter who interprets it.
(For the most part)
Except goofy elevator covers
A Facebook friend of mine used to do that on his page: cover derby.
I think it’s an excellent idea, but hope we can avoid posting any Hallelujah covers. If I NEVER hear that song again it will be too soon
I think HO has pretty elevated ears!
You couldn’t resist! Ha!
Someone has to do the obvious jokes so it might has well be me
I stand corrected lol. Carry on!