What are you getting now that Santa did not bring you?

Ah, the Nespresso of the ice cream world. Pre-filled pods? Ick, no thanks.

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I actually bought this at a black Friday sale before Christmas for like 40% off but just opened it. It’s bigger than I expected so trying to figure out where to keep it.


Now I can whisk to my heart’s content in tinned pans or the ceramic bain Marie.


I was just about buy one of these. You sure you don’t want to wash your rice with these? :smiley:

They are fascinatingly light but seem sturdy enough. I like starchy rice.


I saw a video from this years Consumer Electronics Show about this. If I’m not mistaken, it requires a specialized canister full of ingredients and some sort of chemical
process that aids in rapid freezing.

This feels an awful lot like a razor or printer model. The appliance is cheap. The actual stuff you use is packaged in some proprietary way that locks you in to only using a single source for it, which is, of course, $$$$.

Only in this case the appliance is $3k!!!

The cans work out to $3.75 per serving. Ben and Jerry’s or Hagen Daaz are both cheaper, even at regular non-sale prices.

Having just received a regifted standard ice cream maker that lets me make whatever flavor I want at a fraction of the cost of even cheap grocery store ice cream, I have a hard time coming up with a space in most folks’ lives for… whatever this is.

Wasn’t there a smoothie machine that came out a few years ago that required very expensive prepared frozen packs, and consumers figured out they could just substitute their own fruit? Something about this reminds me of that.

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Not exactly. The juicing apparatus turned out to be no better than your own two hands.

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You’re thinking of the Juicero juicer. One of the dumbest ‘smart’ gadgets ever thought up by some awful tech bro.

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I tried out my soup socks! I’m quite happy with these. They were not stuffed enough to prohibit any circulation, floated about freely and loosely, and were easy to turn regularly during the 4-hour cooking process. At the end, when it came time to decant, it was a breeze and the stock came out clear. Thanks to @Phoenikia for the mention – I will be using them again. At under 8 bucks for a pack of 10 (before tariffs?), I think they will be a good stocking stuffer for others next holiday season, as well.


So happy you like them!

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