What are you cooking/ baking for Valentine's Day?

Valentine’s Day is Tuesday. Since its meyer lemon season and I have a few meyer lemons on hand, I am thinking about making this tart from a Pierre Hermé recipe:

With pretty limited time on a regular workday, I am thinking of getting one of those prebaked tart shells (assuming I can find one) . I have never made this curd, though the recipe looks reasonably straightforward.

What are you cooking/ baking that day?

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Cheese & onion tart (farmers market purchase) & steamed grated root vegetables.

Nothing any different than any other Tuesday at our house. And that’s completely ok.


Like Sunshine, not doing anything particularly special. Actually when is it again? :wink:

Last night I made the easier chocolate flourless cake, and it’s chilling in the fridge. I also made a raspberry sauce to go with it. And I’m thinking of flavoring the whipped cream with a bit of the raspberry sauce as well.

DH loves meatloaf, so that’s on the menu with baked potato. Mom is staying with us because of a sprained ankle, and she has joked that she wants the dessert first!


Looks like my meyer lemon tart plan fell through, at least for today. Sick yesterday, and the curd is supposed to have gone in the fridge overnight. So looks like I’ll have to make that later in the week instead.

I got the whole wheat pie crust because the regular one that I prefer to use for the tart was out at the store. I am still debating how well whole wheat crust will taste. I didn’t consider the gluten free crusts. One option is to forego the crust altogether, and just make the curd for some sort of lemon-y dessert.

If you have time, I strongly recommended this tart, everybody tastes it falls in love with it and it is easy to make. Jacque Genin used to make the best lemon tart in Paris, he is kinda semi-retired now, making chocolates and a few cakes in his tea room, he complained that his life of making pastries was too tough, and he now opts to have a better life for himself.

  • note that the ingredients of crust in this recipe can make 2 crust of 28cm in diameter
  • you need to double the ingredients of the cream to make 1 tart

Actually he uses limes. At times, I use lemon, still very good.

I think whole wheat crust is too strong for the taste and it is better for savoury tarts.

I have made that Greenspan/Hermé lemon cream and it is DIVINE. Miles better than a traditional lemon curd, and I love lemon curd. I hope you find time to make it - you won’t be sorry!

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I’m a bit confused, Naf. The recipe is a lemon tart but in the actual recipe it calls for just limes??

Edited- I just read your note about the lime part!

Beer battered fish & chips - its her favorite.

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I’m with Mom.
I would want that dessert first too!!


Vietnamese fresh pork spring rolls

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So I finally got a chance to make the curd today. I ran out of sugar in the evening so I ended up using half the suggested amount of sugar. I tasted the cream before it went into the fridge. At room temperature, it was already pretty ethereal. And I think half the sugar ended up working better for me because I liked the tanginess. Ended up skipping the tart altogether and just going to eat the curd!