What are you baking? January 2024

I don’t own the Violet Bakery Cookbook, but I have made and would recommend the coffee cardamom walnut cakes.


Yours are beautiful! Next time I’ll know to leave myself a little more room when rolling out in order to get that last layer.

I also have bookmarked from this book the ham scones, the wild blackberry crumble tart, and the apple galette.

ETA: I’ve also made the (sorta British style) scone recipe from this book - another keeper.

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Thought this would be appreciated here as it made me smile when I took a look. Someone on Reddit was confused thinking that the cream was left out of the ingredients list in this recipe when it’s just a case of poor cookbook editing.


Yes, “cream” as a verb, not a noun.

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These are Caramel Slices from Scandinavian from Scratch. These really

deliver what they promise. Crisp and crackly on the outside with a chewy texture and caramel taste. Dough does contain light corn syrup. Sliced while warm. I had one with tea so delicious.



I used an an almagamation of recipes from True North Kitchen (here) and Alice Medrich (here).

My cake contains olive oil (Medrich) and buttermilk (TNK). I split the batter 55/45 between the vanilla and the chocolate. If anything, I might try a 60/40 split next attempt, as I had a little extra of the chocolate batter at the end.

I made a half-recipe (TNK volumes) in an 8”x4” Fat Daddio loaf pan, baking it for 60 minutes at 325.

The moisture level, flavor and texture came out great, and I’m looking forward to tomorrow’s taste, as I suspect a good thing will be yet improved overnight.


That is a work of art!!


Thank you! It was so easy - no need to marble the batter, just layer it. Tasty, too!


I made my first marble cake today too, but it’s not gorgeous like yours!


Yours looks delicious, though!

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Bah, if I’d seen the tiger cake batter layering I would have saved myself the “dolloping” :rofl:


I’m not sure of the science behind the “self marbling” tiger cake. Maybe the chocolate batter is denser than the vanilla, and thus sinks a bit as the other rises more quickly?


My batter was already dense, so when the cocoa was added, it got even thicker. (I actually thinned it with a bit of coffee liquor.)

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I also wonder whether the deeper pan (the loaf pan you used or the tube pan Medrich calls for, for a larger cake) is a factor.


Love it!


That blueberry buttermilk cake sounded right up my alley. So it’s what I baked and it didn’t disappoint. Should have taken a pic before I ate it LOL but was hard to wait. I did bake it in way too large of a pan but still tasted great.


So glad you enjoyed it. It’ll be even better in the next few days :slight_smile:

I had a pound piece of almond paste languishing in the cupboard and remembered this cake I made from TheGreens Cookbook from the late 80s. A bundt cake that used a pound of almond paste - half creamed into the batter and the other half diced and folded in. Delicious but wish I had fresh berries to go with it!


Milk bread from Mooncakes and Milk Bread. I’ve made this before and found it too sweet. With the sugar cut in half, it’s quite nice. Very squishy, soft sandwich bread.


A 7-inch sour cherry pie. Out-of-season, but made with cherries I picked from our trees last summer and froze.

FYI the sweet Rainier cherries I put up last summer did not fare well in the freezer. Even with application of Fruit Fresh (citric acid) they turned brown in the freezer after a couple of months. I ended up feeding those to the local deer. In contrast, the Montmorency cherries used here maintained their brilliant red, as good as fresh.

Will serve tonight after dinner with David L.'s Philly vanilly ice cream.