What are the best Penzeys Spices

The Aleppo pepper flakes from Penzys I believe are already bloomed in oil so I don’t think you need to bloom again in the pan when you use it?

I wonder if non-oily Aleppo flakes are better since you can bloom it in oil on the pan yourself and taste is fresher etc.

Maybe you are on to something. A couple months ago I bought a large bag of Aleppo chile flakes at a Lebanese deli and bakery not too far from us. I checked the ingredients list, which claims be to chile flakes only. I’m a little skeptical because before that I had only seen Aleppo flakes processed with vegetable oil.

Brushing aside my doubt, this batch is by far the most fragrant and flavorful Aleppo flakes we’ve had yet. I have had them from Penzey’s and Spice House before and these are much better and more economical. (At the time I paid $5.95 for 16 oz. at the Lebanese bakery/deli—probably would cost more today. )

*For folks in my area, I bought that Aleppo pepper at Korbani’s Bakery in Methuen, MA. For folks in New Jersey, the product came from Baroody Imports in Clifton.


I’ve bought Aleppo flakes at Kalustyan’s, which also sells online now. Generally cheaper than Penzey’s, but more expensive than some other spice shops in Manhattan. https://foodsofnations.com/

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