WFD meta discussion

Wait - it’s a vote now? :joy:

Then I think only those who actually participate in WFD should vote, no? :rofl:

ETA: Just kidding on all fronts, other than my comments on being inclusive.

We all take things far too seriously sometimes - let’s remember we’re here in our free time, for pleasure not additional stress :smiley:


Thanks @seal - we are getting a rare round of weekday lunch takeout, very timely.

I agree. Let’s all lighten up. In all my years online, I have yet to see an internet discussion board that was one big happy family all the time.:slightly_smiling_face:




Can I just “like” things? It’s late, and it’s been a long day.


This was a great discussion. One I’m glad to not be the focus of, as my posts were partly the catalyst for this discussion last time. I probably wouldn’t even have noticed it if @Sasha hadn’t linked my Tooth Pix comic to this thread, which I’m assuming wasn’t meant as a good thing.

I :heart: the WFD threads. It reminds me of the local diner where peeps go to catch up and discuss anything from dinner to their cousin’s gallbladder operation and share photos of food, friends, family & furry children. It’s been a social balm for those who have been isolated or dealing with the fallout of Covid-19. And I agree there’s some historical value in these threads.

We’ve made friends on HO and it’s natural to want to hang where your friends are… sorry but it ain’t on the regional threads. So I guess my vote is YAY. For me, seeing what chefs are cooking improves my own cooking, gives me ideas and has improved my plating. Because, yes, I love taking pictures of my food! :relaxed:

Happy Eating!


I agree. For me, that is indeed why I so much prefer home cooked meals on WFD over restaurant pictures. Where do you go with a restaurant picture? With home cooked there are recipes, ingredient sources, successes and failures, and more. There is no telling what may be sparked by a home cooked meal.

I do not feel that there should be a rule or even a guideline against restaurant pictures. I think an even looser cultural imperative toward home cooking is preferable. Frankly this meta-discussion is itself plenty. Herein is a broad range of perspectives that educate thoughtful posters about the audience and friends on HO.

For myself, I’ll scroll past restaurant meals and focus on home cookery.

I find my own attitude personally interesting as I use online restaurant menus as a source of inspiration. When our meal plan says “something with chicken” and my creative juices run dry, I explore menus for a spark (I think I’m mixing metaphors) to fill in the details. Still, I have little interest in restaurant pictures. YMMV.


NotJR - I hadnt realised I had voted or been invited to vote. I am a fence-sitting abstainer on this vote (assuming there is one). I don’t read the thread any more, so have no interest one way or the other who posts what on it. Just saying.

It’s two fold actually. Originally when the idea for this thread was brought up to the moderators first, asking for our direct intervention, the idea came up to solicit feed back from the populace of the board. It was discussed that we would take a “poll” and see what the people wanted, which is how this discussion originated.

Then the OP on this thread posted above:
“Regardless, it’s abundantly clear that for the 5 or so people that would prefer the WFD to be primarily home cooking (me included), there are at least that many who feel strongly that it should cover everything.”

“There are at least” kind of caught my attention because by my observational count, there were far MORE not supporting the cause, then the “at least” so I decided to take an official vote of the opinions based, so it wouldn’t be left up to subjective observations as to how popular the idea was. Even switching your vote, if you take into account the subsequent votes it’s at least 2-1 / 3-1 AGAINST the idea. So it’s far more than “at least” as many.

I think the discussion and point have been made sufficiently .


My Friends,

((this is as a contributor and nothing I’m about to say should reflect upon Hungry Onion or its management))

I personally understand the “intent” of the WFD threads and I personally adhere to the desires of that intent. For this reason keep my contributions to only meals I prepare. I don’t care to see pic’s of peoples take home Chinese, pizza or the value meal from their favorite fast food. When I do see many of the lovely (I truly mean that) pictures of restaurant food that is posted in the WFD thread, it’s not of any particular interest to me, so I just scroll past them. It’s such an easy thing to do and it keeps my interest from waning. It’s a practice I encourage you all to try, you can start on this comment right here if you don’t like where I’m going with it, just keep scrolling peeps. J

What I find a bit more troublesome it’s been well noted in this thread, this conversation rears it’s head every few years. How to control the content (or contributors) of the WFD by parties that I’m not even sure have any basis to be questioning the content. Is the irony lost that the most frequent creator of the WFD threads has remained completely silent on this issue? Has anyone else noticed that?

I find it a bit disingenuous in this latest attempt is the source of the complaint(s) are a very few select contributors. It’s fairly obvious certain people (one of whom already “outted” themselves) seem to be targeted by this covered behind a thin veil of concern over the quality of content of WFD. I find bullying of any type to be repugnant, especially in a forum of this nature and I’m sorry if this reeks of that to me, personally speaking. I could be wrong, wouldn’t be the first time and I promise not the last.

The latest WFD thread has 24 individual contributors with 639 posts (to date) this month. Let’s say there are 2 “violators” of the intention of the thread that’s 92% of the board is in “compliance” yet the .083% of the users necessitated a debate over an “official” position on the content of the thread? Really? To me something doesn’t really add up there. {{shrugs maybe it’s just me}}

Regardless if I personally agree with a situation, which in this case I actually do, I don’t expect MY personal desires to be observed here. Even as a moderator my opinion(s) on the value of the content here is no better or worse than yours, so I respect everyone’s contributions regardless if they are to my preference. It’s a community which means give and take; If I have to give a little more than I take, I’m ok with that. I have far bigger battles to fight than anything that takes place on here.

I don’t like people being bullied or intimidated and I’m sorry but that’s what this seems to boil down to and personally I don’t like it.

Moderator Hat On

Now as a moderator I can say that I do see things that most of you do not. What I can tell you as a moderator is I rarely see any flags coming on the WFD threads claiming that a post is inappropriate for the thread.

As a moderator I haven’t seen many people complain in the WFD threads about the content posted.

As a moderator I can tell you if you truly want it to be ONLY home cooked meals, changing the name of the thread(s) to: “What did we cook for dinner” would help solve the problem especially if you ran a simultaneous thread “Where did you dine for dinner” thread simultaneously. Again, I can count on 1 hand the number of flags over 5+ years I’ve witnessed of someone complaining about restaurant pics/comments in a WFD thread.

As someone quoted above: “This seems to be a solution in search of a problem”.

I do believe the results of the people have spoken for themselves. From here I do welcome you all to proceed as you wish - and as a Moderator I will do everything in my power to make your time here as enjoyable as I can. (especially on my NJ board, come on over for a visit, nothing like spending the summer at the Jersey shore!!).

As always my “door” is always open to all of you to help in whatever manner I can. On this board or any, I will do my best to help resolve any issues anyone has. I want to see HO thrive, (as a moderator and contributor) not just survive and for that we need a happy and content community to help continue bringing new people on site to expand the conversations.

With (all) that said I wish you all happy and healthy meals with family and friends for many, many years going forward. I look forward to seeing all the pics and reading the stories. God bless be well.


Notjr / Bob


Hi @NotJrvedivici! If you can stand one more geeky point, in the world of websites and digital content each person’s viewpoint here might be described as that person’s use case. So all viewpoints are equally valid because we each have our own purpose for visiting (or not visiting!) the thread.

Organizing our “use cases” by what folks here do or don’t find useful is indeed best practice. Bravo to you.


Don’t have a dog in this fight but I stand by LindaW!


(( I honestly have no idea what you just said, but I do think a “thank you” is warranted. lol ))


It was on the welcome thread.


LOL thank you. I’ve got to admit the youtube video I watched was hypnotizing!!

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Me, too. I think it’s the simplest solution for those who prefer home cooking content. And sometimes even a restaurant meal inspires me.

I raised a very similar question a few years ago to get the temperature of the group. Then, as now, most seem to want to keep the restaurant pictures. So I’m at peace with it. They’re not why I come to WFD, but for others they might be part of it.

Not to be a total relativist, but the comments here by @Sasha @saregama @small_h @gracieggg @tomatotomato @gcaggiano and @Auspicious all especially resonated with me - even coming from opposite sides.

I think the overall harm in losing contributions, good feeling, and conversation from @paryzer and @Barca in particular (as well as others who occasionally share their restaurant meals, such as @gcaggiano) pushes me into the “let it be” camp. No real harm, no foul. We can do it differently than Chowhound (thank god!).




I finally understand what @shrinkwrap meant by the reference to “one of us.”

This has been illuminating. It’s also prompting me to take a spring break and work on my yard. Gotta share the eyeballs.

Best to all of you. Caring about this community is very impressive.


Happy planting - but come back soon, please!


@naf @Miss_belle I’ve had some personal correspondence with @RedJim. He kindly explained to me the circumstances under which he left. So I left it at that but expressed my sadness and respect about his decision.

That said, I’m a WFD lurker. I vote for more joy in my life, and WFD provides some of that. And I’m talking about all of WFD, home-cooked/assembled or otherwise. I welcome and read it all.