Let's introduce ourselves and get to know one another better


Yes, I’ve noticed that, but I’m thinking I remember it from “The Usual Suspects”.

Very possible. I haven’t seen that movie in a while, but I remember it being full of references. Starting with the name, which is a phrase from Casablanca.

(Though this page shows that the phrase “the usual suspects” was already a thing ten years before Casablanca - I never knew that)


How about that! Thanks, very interesting!

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I can never find anything that explains my memory of this phrase, which I love*, and somehow attribute it to Whoopie Goldberg, and I am sure it wasn’t “Freaks”, which I find way too disturbing to tolerate even briefly.

It was some con movie. This is a compilation and I don’t see it.

*I find myself thinking of it whenever I hear someone share their immunization status!

Okay, this is not how I want to introduce myself.

Oh wait! “The Player”


Welcome, John!

Being that I am scheduled for my vaccination today, I guess soon enough I will be “one of them” then you too can become “one of us…one of us…one of us…one of us…one of us…”

(this movie scared the crapola out of me as a child and if I were to see a watermelon truck on the road as a kid I would freak the “f” out)


Thanks, everyone… :blush:


The 1978 one is even scarier.

Those few words really make an impact wherever they appear - being “one of us”, “not one of us”, or “one of them” seems to have been a driving force behind many of humanity’s greatest most inspiring successes, and many of our worst and most despicable failures too. Those words have a lot of power; far too much power if in the wrong hands.

In this case, for you in particular John Foster: You, and that power, are in good hands here. Except for NotJrvedivici. :rofl:


And for many of them, you don’t even have to actually mention the words - only imply that someone is “other”.

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For that matter, tacit acceptance of the implication when someone else has made it is enough. There’s lots of “plausible deniability” to go around.

Very much agreed. But I suggest we now move on before we hit discussing things that are best discussed elsewhere than my favourite food board. After all, I don’t discuss food on the politics forum.


I. Love. That!

I remember it in The Player too.


Welcome to Hungry Onion.

Lyle Lovett!..one of the best concerts I’ve ever attended!

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Oh cool. I figured he must have some swag if Julia Robets fell for him. She was actually in The Player too.


Hi everybody :wave:

I just wanted to introduce myself quickly.

I am a long-time reader (even back from the chowhound days) but a first-time poster.

I grew up in Monmouth County (Rumson), spent a decade in the city (Manhattan and Brooklyn), and recently moved back home (Fair Haven).

Devote meat-eater, full-time foodie; there’s rarely an establishment I haven’t tried. I am looking forward to posting, sharing, and being a part of the community.

Lets all eat well!


Welcome @AndrewMalecki!

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