Weird News

On the other side of the pond:


I read this too! They’re such accomplished and aggressive thieves, I wonder what takeaway curry he was trying to steal, that this happened. And how???

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It’s hard to imagine how the bird could become so completely covered. I could see the head and breast becoming stained. My money is this didn’t happen without some prankster assistance.


Poor bird! As much as I love Indian and Southeast Asian foods that use a lot of spices and curries, I don’t like smelling the food after I leave the restaurant. I ate a lot of curry and Indian food when I was in London, and had to make sure to shower once I got back to the hotel so I could remove the smell of the spices. I wonder if the bird notices the smell of the spices too.

(I"m not sure I want to know what this says about me but I keep thinking about this curry covered bird!)

Perhaps a bit of curry sauce was put in a trash bag. The seagull later got access to the bag, ripped it open and ducked inside while looking for goodies.

(I’m officially done trying to solve this little mystery.)

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