Weekly Menu Planning - December 2022

I like Saturday’s menu!


going out with a neighbor and I paid for open bar. hahaha


Uninspired planning for two adults and a tween in Boston. We’re all home, all week… We had a nice holiday weekend and our second annual “friends over for Chinese food on Xmas eve” shindig was a big hit, despite the food being delivered almost an hour early - before anyone was here!

Sun: for brunch I made double chocolate muffins (https://sallysbakingaddiction.com/double-chocolate-muffins/ ) or cinnamon rolls from the can. Dinner was ham, mashed potatoes for the guys / leftover latkes for me, green beans. Lots of cookies.

Mon: leftover ham, choice of leftover potatoes OR the sweet potato gnocchi I felt like eating. Froze most of them.

Tues: fish tacos (frozen panko’d halibut) and beans

Weds: chicken and dumplings from the new SK cookbook. I’m oddly not inspired by most of the recipes - too many of them have key ingredients my household won’t eat.

Thurs: “sweet and spicy pork tenderloin” with rice and veggies (Real Simple magazine)

Fri: chicken posole in the IP

Sat: tbd but we’ll be home, and there will be ice cream sundaes for dessert


(post deleted by author)


That’s a really smart goal/resolution. I should probably try to follow your lead.

Happy New Year to all of you!!!


Whoa - January’s almost here! Those of you who post ahead were probably wondering where the New Year post was… Here’s the link. Weekly Menu Planning - January 2023


Hi, all! Cooking for a range of people in Livermore, CA. Trying to remember my actuals this week: so much food! Like Wanda, I’m going to have a hard time getting back to normal working life next week, even though I’m still traveling…

Monday, December 26: Big family meal with my dad’s family: tenderloin, Ottolenghi potato & celery root gratin, tiropita, green beans, salad, fruit salad, cheesecake. My sister and I got up at 5 to make it all happen by 1.

Tuesday: Burmese food with daughter’s BF’s family in Vacaville, very fun

Wednesday: Out for BIL’s birthday for both lunch and dinner, which was a mistake, though very fun

Thursday: Dips for dinner! Feta dip and muhamarra to use up some things in the fridge

Friday: Chicken-stuffed peppers

Saturday (today): Out for Korean in Richmond with our CA daughter and then home for an early toast and bed :slight_smile:

I have ingredients to make the Smitten Kitchen baked brie and a sausage and mushroom stew before I leave on Tuesday; we’ll see whether that comes to pass…

Have a lovely new year’s eve however you celebrate, and I’ll see you in 2023 (even though I probably won’t be doing much planning/cooking until mid-January…)! Happy cooking!


Have you made those chicken-stuffed peppers before? Do you think dried mint could be used (at 1/3 the measures)?

I made them last night without the bulgur (diabetic step-mom), and they were very good! I also left out the cilantro because she’s not a fan. I would think the dried mint would work (especially in the sauce), but I would go easy and taste as you go (as I’m sure you do!).

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That baked brie looks fantastic. Hope you love it!

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Actuals for the last week of December thru New Years Day, cooking for 2 in MN, where I spent this morning playing in my kitchen making quarter-recipes of appetizers, for just us two.

it’s a good thing my 2022 calendar included a bonus month for January 2023 since we’ve got a backlog of appointments (like the eye exams we skipped last year…) already scheduled to check off our to-do lists. And my new calendar arrives Tuesday… anyone else finding themselves “fussy” about style and layout of calendar pages? It took several hours of hunting online and in stores to get the right one ordered. Along the way I saw several that had separate areas for meal-planning and also for separate tracking of work vs family/home goals and appointments.

Mon: Hot ham & Swiss sandwiches on party buns, devilled eggs, salad w spinach, tortilla chips w guac
Tues: OUT for my Christmas gift of “fancy restaurant meal, your choice” – I chose lunchtime to enjoy the view, too. We split/shared two mains - a fabulous composed salad main dish, a variation on “Shrimp Louie”: Grilled herb-rubbed salmon beside (highly salted) shredded lettuce, with chilled jumbo shrimp, cherry tomato halves, quartered hard boiled egg, asparagus spears, cucumber, quartered artichoke heart, Thousand Island dressing on side. 2nd main was an open faced broiled crab sandwich topped with sliced tomato and cheese. Dessert - Molten chocolate cake with berries.
Wed: Hot ham & Swiss on party bun, few bites each of chili, Onion rings (Schwans), Fresh orange slices
Thurs: Lunch - chicken lo mein – roughly based on this, add broccoli and red bell pepper, half or less of noodles https://www.marthastewart.com/346795/chicken-lo-mein-with-ginger-mushrooms, fresh pear, Dinner - Salmon, bag salad, mashed potatoes, red grapes. Wine.
Fri: Street corn chicken, sliced avocado, grape tomatoes, tortilla chips, Normandy vegetables, https://www.juliapacheco.com/street-corn-chicken/
Sat: BAKED Sausage muffins (for breakfasts this week, and sampled with supper) from video by Jessica O’Donohue https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wxx9hITltHM
Reheated Street corn chicken, sliced avocado, grape tomatoes, tortilla chips
Sunday (Today): Seven appetizers extravaganza - a)Bacon-wrapped, almond-stuffed dates, b)Bacon wrapped mayo/Chili-sauce water chestnuts, c)cucumber on Ranch-dressing/cream cheese cracker, d) shrimp w/ cocktail sauce, e)ham/cream cheese pickle rollup slices, f) slow-cooker meatballs in grape jelly/chili/BBQ sauce, g) Spinach dip w/ Hawaaian bread chunks for dipping.


Hey! I missed this! What is the Burmese place in Vacaville?

The Burmese place is actually in Davis; we brought takeout to the house in Vacaville…I think it’s My Burma