Updates and running commentary from our critters

What a lovely dog. We call ourselves neither adopters nor owners. We are Hopps’s people.


That’s GREAT as is your dog…whom I MUST say has been my favorite pet of all the ones posted on this thread. I love almost all animals, but your pet is extremely adorable and I look forward to seeing each and every photo you post! It’s really difficult to stop looking at them❣️

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On behalf of Hopps, thank you!

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My late cat used to remove sweaters from my closet shelves and drag them over and place them at my feet when I was sitting at my desk working. Except I didn’t see him do this. I just found sweaters on the floor. And I was puzzled. More than puzzled. How did they get there? I don’t throw my clothes on the floor. I wasn’t drinking …so … One day, however, I spotted him manfully dragging a sweater across the living room floor. What a guy! And he did this only in the winter. He was making sure I was warm enough!


That is so sweet! My cat couldn’t be bothered to drag clothes around, but he is a love bug through and through :heart:

Current situation here (he likes to hang while I have my morning cuppas)…LOOKIT THAT BELLY!


Mine are banished from coffee time this morning because Someone Threw Up in my bed last night (thankfully before I dived in) and the mattress pad took so long to wash and dry (did its job, though!) that I slept in my recliner last night.

Lookit that tummy! He’s a snuggly squeeze ball with paws!


Thankfully, no pukees in bed (so far!), at least not our own. His tummy is perfect for blowing raspberries, and he doesn’t even mind.


My two don’t mind it either. Of course, they are probab7thinking it increases their daily ration of Dried Salmon Treats (expensive, stinky, and totally worth it to see pure cat bliss at the sound of the snap of the storage container.


Cats make everything better.


A family member’s childhood dog was a llewellin setter, a cousin o Hopp’s. Not rare but unusual.

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When is this poor fella ever going to be comfortable? :joy:


Kitteh needs to remember to get under the covers.


Ooh! Dig your sheets!

Amazon. Brand is called Wake In Cloud. Not crazy about the material or the quality- but bought in preparation for recuperating from one of my many COVID vaxxes, IIRC. Gotta do what ya gotta do …

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Oh. That’s a bummer about the material & quality, bc the pattern rocks :slight_smile:

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Yeah, it makes me smile.


“Mom, can’t you just enjoy having me on your lap? Why do you have to take a picture?”


“Wake me when dinner is ready.”


Often as our pets move into old age, they get fussier about eating, enough so that they lose too much weight. Hopps has passed the twelve YO mark, and so far a new trick is working. Put his food in the dish, set it on the counter, take a spoon and pretend to be scooping in other tasty treats, Stir it up, clanging the spoon all the while. As this is happening he starts dancing and spinning. Once the charade is over, put his dish where he eats and stand back. He practically inhales it, same food he was ignoring before. I refuse to share his email for fear some cat will tell him what’s going on.


My cats won’t tell! They fall for sort of the same trick - the sound of the treat bin being snapped open - while I’m putting down their boring regular chow. Also works when I have to put transdermal meds in the old girl’s ear. They do get treats, in case anyone is worried …