Top Chef: A question and a request

Hi Onions!

Does anybody know when the next season of Top Chef is due? It seems like a long time since we left Boston.

Also, is anyone planning to recap each episode of the series? Those were some of my favorite threads on the old site. Ahem, LindaWhit? LindaWhit?

PS: Why, as I type this, am I repeatedly told that this topic is similar to the East Bay article on CH?

Last year’s season premiered in mid-October, but I can’t find any sign of this season’s start date.

Linda declared herself retired from recapping after last season, and I haven’t stopped crying since.

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I haven’t seen any signs yet either. Odd.

I was hoping #LindaWhit would reconsider to give this new site a boost. But given the thoroughness of her recaps, I can understand her decision :cry:


Maybe she’ll be like a retired race horse who hears the gate open, and find herself unable to stop herself from taking off and recapping when she hears the opening of the first episode.

No, LW, not actually comparing you to an old mare!


Sorry, my little Buckaroos, I’m not coming out of retirement. :racehorse: :horse: I’m going to enjoy the pasture. :slight_smile:




You deserve it. Although your recap was a salvation to me while multitasking through many episodes of TC

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Tom C tweeted yesterday that he “just shot” the finale. Still can’t find any word when it starts though.

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Odd. In the past they shot the finale while the season was airing.

Not quite sure how this season has remained so buttoned down with NO mention of filming (unless they ere made on CA boards on CH and not on the Food Media board). Filming is *usually done in May/June/July time frame (Boston was May/June) and as gaffk said, the finale is done towards the end of the season’s airing.

But in going to Colicchio’s public Twitter page, he did say that they always try and do something new, and not for gimmicks, but to keep the show fresh and evolving.

I can only find one post of any kind saying “filming has started”:

Padma posted a few vague pics at about this time from Cali tagged #topchef but that’s, like, it. Unless my Google-fu is failing me, which could well be.

EDIT also as far as I can tell no roster of contestants has been released, while last year the cast was known as early as August before the mid-October premiere.

It would definitely make sense that they’d film at Blais’s Juniper & Ivy, since he’s still a rotating judge on the show.

Even Top Chef’s FB page doesn’t say anything. Some people there have said they heard it starts on November 5th - which is a THURSDAY. But haven’t we heard who the cheftestants are at this point? If it starts 11/4 or 11/5, that’s 3 weeks away. I can’t recall any season not having some info out there by this point.

I wonder if it’s officially jumped the shark if no one is reporting about it anymore?

Even if no one outside Bravo is reporting on it, I find it odd that the official web site has no mention of the upcoming season. If it’s going to start in three weeks shouldn’t they be advertising/promoting it by now?

ETA: I just searched using Yahoo, and the only thing I found was a vague, it will be released late 2015. Odd.



Wow, not premiering until Dec 5? I see a lot of DVRing happening as that’s when a lot of us are busy with holiday stuff. And it looks like a whole lot of crazy outdoor cooking challenges . . .I hope it’s not a repeat of that awful Texas season (which IIRC was also a road trip theme).

Should be fun to see Grayson again though!


Is it bad that I don’t seem to care that much anymore? And now with no Linda summaries … what’s the point :wink:


I’m glad to see Grayson come back too, but damned if she wasn’t also on Texas. Just can’t get away from the gimmick seasons.


I swear if I see a “Real Housewives”-type challenge or endurance cooking in 100 degree heat, I will officially be over TC.

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Can’t say I blame you. I’ve cut out a bunch of reality/cooking tv and don’t miss it much. Even took Cutthroat Kitchen off the DVR.

I am really beginning to dislike this Discourse format. I had no idea there were several additional replies to this thread. Either I get notified of EVERYTHING or NOTHING. ::Sigh:: And what’s with it not premiering until December 2nd???

This doesn’t bode well: “Eater Boston reports that one challenge will be inspired by @ChefJacquesLaMerde, a parody Instagram personality that beautifully — and enthusiastically — plates dishes like “TATER TOTS, PEPPERONI MAYONNAISE, KETCHUP CAVIAR, PRE-GRATED PARMESAN AND PETALS MADE FROM SOME YELLOW FLOWERS BUT ALSO JUST MADE FROM MORE PEPPERONIS!!!””

And it premieres with Chrissy Tiegen and M.C. Hammer? Of for fuck’s sake. Yeah, I’m glad I’m not recapping.

I found this today on - two Boston area chefs will be on Season 13:

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