Thrifting for kitchen tools

Not the thrift store find, but if you see one, get it! I love this mandoline and it has been very useful over the years. I paid about $90 for it from Maid of Scandanavia bitd.


Tis is my schweet little Zyliss garlic press I found about 45 years ago. It is a trooper and easy to clean.

Iā€™ll keep my eyes open. so far Ive never seen a Bron at a thrift store in all my years.

It was used ON me for wart removal. Are you hungry yet?

:eyes::eyes::eyes::eyes::eyes:well it was on as well as in. But the sternal wires are quite another thing. Besides the creepiness of being able to feel them at the collar-bone notch, they set off the metal detectors in the courthouse. I had some ā€˜splainin to do.

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You, my friend, have been uniquely blessed with finding the absolute best stuff for a song, so karma might argue you shouldnā€™t complain. I remember many examples, including a jaw-dropping deal on a certain dream item.

I hope your luck holds for a Bron.

Complain I shanā€™t! Thank you for the reminder to be grateful. My greatest treasure is my family and my friends. Happy Thanksgiving to all.

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Me three

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This weekā€™s finds at the Humane Society Thrift, for a grand total of $17.25.

A Braun coffee/spice grinder, just because. Between my house and 3 daughtersā€™ apartments, weā€™ve got 4 grinders plus (now) 2 extra in case of motor burnouts or whatever. Also, the lid/bowl on my ~ 30 year old Krups is very brittle and held together with rubber bands.

Then thereā€™s the Marcato Atlas 150; the box is a bit scruffy but I donā€™t know if it has been used. Looks very clean and is still in the bag. Iā€™ve maybe made some thick-ish egg noodles rolled out on the counter for Stroganoff, but never dabbled otherwise. This one does flat and cut-flat noodles but no shaped noodles. Marcato has other models that can do shaped/tube pastas, but I donā€™t know if they have a stand-alone unit for tubes that can be attached to this one. Thatā€™s a worry for when (if) I get enthusiastic enough to try to tackle tubes, anyway. Still, itā€™ll be a bit of entertainment for $16.


Know also that you can make world class bread sticks with that pasta roller!


How cool is that!?!?

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+1 Can always find something you may need in the discount bin. Hell, I bet I have three vice grips missing the screw. I donā€™t hoard kitchen stuff, but if itā€™s in the garage, itā€™s sacred.

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Never toss 'em! Cigar boxes, too. Valuable containers.

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Scored a Nespresso Essenza Mini and 4 sleeves of capsules for $10. Called customer service and ordered the missing parts for another $10.

Thia machine new is $179 and thr sleeves are $10 each.

Didnt need a 2nd one, but cmonā€¦


$10 for a $220 retail value is indeed, ā€œbut cā€™mon!ā€. I keep running into new(*) Instant Pots, large size, for $14 ($10.50 if I saw it on kitchenwares discount day).

Now all 3 daughters have an instant pot like mine, except theirs are a slightly newer model (I got mine as a work anniversary gift in 2017).

(*) None had been cooked in so far as I could tell, from visual and from sniffing the silicone seal.

Whenever I see something cool in great shape, even if I donā€™t need it, I think ā€œwho could I give this toā€?

Of course, thatā€™s how I ended up with 3 extra garlic presses. Because I taught all my daughters that slicing or grating might not be exactly the same as mincing, but a Microplane will have 10 garlic cloves done in 1/10th the time of mincing. Sadly, I had to buy all their Microplane graters at full retail - Iā€™ve never seen one in the thrift store.

Watch - now Iā€™ll see one this week after having written that.


Also terrific are Illy 8 oz expresso cansā€“silver with excellent screw caps and sturdily built.

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A painterā€™s Red Devil razor-blade scraps works very well on all glass surfaces and peels baked-on residue from inside pots too.

Oh, yes! Though mine if only a 4-blader. Severak designs avbl from Temu staring at $1.29

Iā€™ve go one of those, too, inherited. Iā€™ve never used it, because it is so huge. One of these days, Iā€™ll tidy it up and give it a goā€¦

You should see the looks I get (at Goodwill), when I go digging in the dresses for Sunshine. She is NOT an early bird, so when I see something that ā€œchecks all the boxesā€, I grab it and bring it home to her.

If it doesnā€™t fit or she doesnā€™t like it, I take it back and get credit towards something else.

About 3+ years ago, Sunshine got mad when she couldnā€™t fit into any of her nice dresses. She finally came to the conclusion that sheā€™ll never get back down to that size and donated them. Slowly, but surely weā€™ve been restocking her closet with dresses that fit.

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