Thrifting for kitchen tools

I thought it might be perceived that way. I shouldn’t have mentioned the price. Last time I went to that thrift shop they had drastically reduced their days and hours of operation due to actual theft. Sad.

Yes, absolutely.

Here’s the Amish version of the Bron:’s+Famous+Vegetable+Slicer&utm_campaign=CyberDealsCard3_11_18_23_L_NL

Better price at $5.99. It may be the mandoline version of the Swiss Star peelers. Blade not angled, though.

Scrounging the streets of Berzekeley as a college student in the 70’s (between anti war protests and tear gas exposure) I cleaned up well. Carried that into the young married and parenting years and being so happy when I scored a real treasure.

I’m at the point now where I am passing on treasures that I no longer need or want. Frequently the kids don’t want what I’m giving away, so the items go to the thrift stores. One child has to have brand spanking new everything, but will accept donations on house building materials. The other is very frugal, and will always accept others paying for her way when going out.

Dad finds all sorts of ‘things’ they ‘might’ need at the pawn shops and thrift stores. How many sets of allen wrench and vice grips sets or multi-meters do they need? 'Prolly as many snow blowers, weedeaters and small power tools we have waiting for ‘sometime’. Of course, if they need something, they’ll probably find it here, at our place. I was the child of pack rats and married one. Our kids are not that way, thank goodness.


Haha, as many as you can find!

I can’t walk through Home Depot without grabbing a “clearance” set of drill or driver bits sitting on an end-cap.

Never know when I might need them!

Assumes I can ever find them again in the (garage, workshop, shed, or pantry).

My kids all do like hand-down tools, wooden furniture (esp. antiques) and kitchen stuff, except as mentioned above my son, #4 kid, looks askance at hand-me-down clothing.


My parents had one of those and ‘gifted’ it to me. I hated it, it was too dangerous for me to use. I didn’t have cut resistant gloves in those days. Hazardous, like a Hobart slicer.

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I’d kill for a Hobart. I wouldn’t shell out $1500++ though, so got a $200 guy I’m not satisfied with. I’ve got a friend with a Hobart and sometimes when I’ve got a big load of slicing I visit him and “rent” his for a gifted few slices of meat. (Plus I clean it after)


Yep! When we cleaned out our childhood home, the number of little paper bags of nuts, screws and nails in all sizes and lengths from the village hardware store was phenomenal. Ay yi yi!


Paper bags? I thought that kind of stuff was supposed to be in margarine tubs and baby food jars!


Those were in there, too but Ma fed us with home made food and this was before plastic tubs. Coffee cans, tho!

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The half pound cans were particularly handy.


The ones I used institutionally were a terror to work with. Cleaning them is where I had the most ‘accidents’. No stitches and I have all ten fingers, still. My worst work injury occurred when I reached over a double burner Bunn coffee burner and gave myself a beautiful crescent burn on the underside of my right forearm. It matched perfectly the maroon bridesmaid outfit I wore later that week.


Oh, crap. Oops.

My worst food-related injury (besides frequently slicing off bits of fingers and thumbs) was trying to open a beer bottle by jamming it into a corner of an outdoor grill. The grill had a sharp unfinished edge and I managed to slash an 8-inch long slice along the belly side of my forearm, about 5-8 mm deep for the most part.

I taped it up as it was my left arm and I figured I could keep it out of use for a few days. I can only find the scar now when I tan that side of my arm.


Phew! Good save!


Yeah, I’ve always avoided stitches (in favor of careful taping) for me and the kids whenever I think the wound can be sufficiently immobilized. Less scarring that way.

I still have a very faint burn scar on my forearm from when hot oil splashed as I was turning oxtails to brown them. Second degree burn that hurt like crazy. As is my pattern, I initially refused to seek medical help for it, but when the burn kept weeping, Mrs. ricepad convinced me to see a doc. It happened 30 years and five days ago.


Surgical glue. I’m a recipient.


Never tried it the glues, but the first company I worked at had a line of them, which they claimed improved surgical outcomes (reduced post operative infection rates) X times better than the usual staples. I didn’t work in that division so I don’t know if they could only be used for shallower wounds or really deep wounds.

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It was used in me for open heart surgery.


Oh, I guess not the Super Glue we’ve used in lieu of the ER for past slips. Your Super Glue was truly Super!

Wow!! That’s as deep as I’d ever want to (never) go!