The Good News Thread In The Age of Corona

Does nobody else have to include in their TP calculation the rolls that the cats use for practice?? :smirk_cat:


Waiting this afternoon to pick up our HS #3 at the end of his shift, I noticed a young couple emptying the contents of their basket into the back of their Soccer Mom car. They had overfilled the basket with 2 liter bottles of either Mountain Dew, or Lemon-Lime soda! (I wasn’t parked close enough to tell) Thought: "If you drink that much soda in a week, you’re headed for a Diabetic Coma…"


I lost almost an entire roll this weekend, thanks to Devil Kitty. It wasn’t just unrolled on the floor. It was half shredded, enough that I decided to toss it all.

Mr. Innocent, he’s not.


Me. Kinda. We buy cases at a warehouse store. 58 rolls. When things got weird I looked at the dates on our last two receipts and divided. Then I checked the number of rolls in our pantry. We’re good. grin

If you have a shower with a wand you have a bidet. Not elegant perhaps but quite serviceable.

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Fortunately Emma shows no interest in toilet paper. That’s good because I’m a confirmed over the top person and I’m not sure I could adapt to under the bottom. On the other hand her favorite “toy” in the house is our bidet. When she hears me coming up the stair from my basement office (she isn’t allowed in the basement) she meets me at the door and leads me to the bathroom and stares at the bidet until I turn it on.

It took my wife twelve years to talk me into a cat. I should have stood my ground.


Mrs H has been mentioning a bucket of hot water and a cloth. Hopefully, not too seriously.


It’s too bad Sears & Roebuck no longer make catalogs.


I’m thinking it would just take longer to find out they were out of stock.

You are obviously way younger than I am.


Or that their toddler unrolls, drags around the house, and shreds - just for the thrill?


I used to do cat visits when son was out of town. One emphasized instruction, CLOSE BATHROOM DOOR WITH CAT ON THE OUTSIDE.


Or just sat there and like the cat just thrilled in the cascade of paper onto the floor. Oh, yes, the clenched tooth chats we’ve had with 2 year olds.


Ahhhhhh! Good one!

Repeated from a Facebook post Mrs H came across.

Bloke says:

“I’m missing the sport on TV. But I’ve noticed there’s a woman also sat on the sofa. She says she’s my wife. Seems quite nice.”

Hopefully intended as a joke.


I rearranged the fridge the other day and found some pickled onions I forgotten we had. A small win but it saved me having to open a new jar of pickle for my cheese sandwich.


I made about 7kg in the autumn, as usual. Have to say, this batch is particularly good after a couple of years when I thought I’d lost my pickling mojo. Crisp, vinegary, spicy ( I leave a bit of pickling spice in each jar). It’s a tradition that the first of the batch is eaten on Boxing Day, with pork pie or ham.


Good one! Normally I’m not a stickler about super closely managing what’s in the fridge. This has changed.

Now leftovers are getting respun: a batch of pulled beef brisket became tacos for meal 1, a component of nachos for meal 2, and today I’m pretty sure the remainder will go into a tamale pie (if there’s enough cornmeal in the freezer).

Also I am eyeing condiments that don’t get enough use to imagine other applications. New house-bound adventures await.


Ooops. That’s not good news.

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