The decline of Chowhound, by the numbers

I think I may have been “flagged” as hostile since my invite never arrived! I did a quick calculation and it seems I posted over 8600 times. I seldom post “me too” or “you go girl” sort of things so most of these were informational or conversation in nature. For a while it was great. Unfortunately that greatness is something they can not recapture. They just burnt too many bridges with many of their best contributors.


You have no idea…Heck, it even made national news!


except the bad Steve

For the record, I am not “lost”.

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Nope, I never got an invite. Harrumph. :rage: I should have for my Top Chef recaps alone! :wink::rofl::rofl::rofl:


Like all food and other forums, regional forums are vastly different. I can think of several umbrella forums that were or are even now moribund in my areas of interest. Chow had a very vibrant and active FRANCE forum. The new powers did much to discourage the intelligent discourse, sending us back to previous and new venues, like HERE! While it is sad to watch a community disperse, it is reassuring to realize that like corks in a bucket of water, confreres will find new opportunities down-net.


I had never even heard of Chowhound until I joined HO but so many times I have noted them mentioned that I finally visited the site. The site is so chaotic with ad and links that I never actually saw any posts until someone on HO linked a reference post.

@shrinkrap, I used the word lost because members of HO that state they once were regular members of Chowhound have said it was their (the web owners of the community) loss to have f up’d the enjoyment.

Whatever the indiv. experience, to an outsider, it reads like a big drama.
No thanks.


I understand. Just wanted to “confess” that I still check it out from time to time.


Yeah, I hadn’t noticed it yet, but I just checked the email account I used for CH and I got one, too. When you think about it, given the general paucity of activity there over the past year and more, the pool of “active/regular” posters must be pretty damned small at this point, so that may account for the seemingly strange selection…

That being said, I have absolutely no interest in spending the time to reply to it (much less go to the trouble of providing detailed links, etc…), even if I could think of anything terribly positive or even “constructive” to say. Which offhand, I can’t. Oh, well…


This site was created from the extremely large exodus in a short period of time from Chowhound . This is so much better . Thank you. HO .



On the link that small_h gives above, the Chowhound thread now has a post from our old friend there, patsully, who you’ll probably recall is an employee (and I recall was often put in to defend the impossible by his managers). He seems disappointed that thread contributors appear to be so negative about CH and suggests that the email was just intended to gather positive remarks. I may go back and suggest that, if they wanted positive remarks, it might have been better if Watsky hadnt lied through his back teeth about folk being selected as “Top 50” posters.


I didn’t get one either and I will answer the odd post now and again.


It was pretty obvious from the comments to this thread and others, I avoided a bad breakup…seems to me.

No ads on this wonderful forum is much appreciated. The membership here is so dedicated, smart and fun.

Doesn’t make much sense to keep disappointing each other on Chowhound though. Easy for me to say…no doubt.

They’ll probably say there is a top 50 per category.

I’m sure you would be in the top 50 for the UK. Quite possibly for Europe too.

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I would have been fine if they had just emailed and said something along the lines of “your comments would be valued”. I might even have responded.


Sounds like they’re trolling for quotes they can use to promote their site :thinking:

ETA: I didn’t get the e-mail as they suspended me some years ago for promoting HO.


Bad breakup is such a useful description. I post far more here than I ever did on CH so the emotions don’t run deep for me.

Though as a marketing person I was, and remain, astonished at how they treat their user community (that’s web-speak for the people who post on the site). Puzzling. So I’m thrilled to have found good people and community spirit here at HO.


That is putting it mildly


So they still don’t get it.

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I think Harters would be in the top 50 for the entire site as he has made (according to his DH profile) 610 posts and 27, 910 comments. Especially for people still posting there that is a lot.

It doesn’t surprise me that they’re only looking for positive feedback. I think that’s why they’re not going to go after people who not just left but articulated their reasons for doing so. It must have been a shock for them to have Melanie Wong display a distinct lack of enthusiasm for the project : she has 4,101 posts and 29, 126 comments. I bet that’s the record for the site, for people who are still posting.

Linda Whit has 465 posts and 28, 287 comments. Like ChristinaM I believe she not only very publicly quit, but gave extremely detailed reasons as to why. As for ChristinaM:

" ChristinaMason

  • Asheville, NC
  • Member since 2007
  • Total posts 94
  • Total comments 12,745

Over this broken site. Now posting at Join me!"

Guess that’s why you didn’t get an email, ChristinaM. LOL.