The Butchers Block, Long Branch

OK Two Cents! Nice to hear your point of view…

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Right now, I have to say no @PHREDDY but I hope they turn things around.

if you’re looking steak- someplace like Fernandes3 in Sayerville gets very high marks here. I’ve never been but people I trust here speak quite glowingly. I need to get my ass up there for the steak/shrimp on the clay tile.


Thank you guys for taking one for the team!

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It looks like a Brazilian Steakhouse…???

Correct it is with rodizio, seafood, paella and some dam good steaks. I would second the recommendation, I love Fernandez. As seal said sadly I can’t recommend BB to anyone who isn’t into throwing money at a questionable experience.


You guys are definitely troopers for giving this another shot!

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“I got a block for ya right here!”

Just saw article where he was at anjelicas the other day.
Geez, maybe we need to get him signed up over here, apparently he also loves Greek eats.

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Maybe Greg can recruit him lol. Paging Greg

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I actually ran into him at Greek Eats a couple years ago.

@corvette_johnny c’mon man, you have to tag people if you want them to see you paging them. You do this all the time with me, I’m always stumbling across a post you mentioned me in but didn’t tag me. Here ya go, hey @gcaggiano read above!!!

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I thought he was still in jail.

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OK, at the risk of appearing even older and celbrity unaware, who IS that?!??


Gosh, super refreshing that you don’t know!

Celebrity is a stretch, but was a cast member of the MTV “reality” show Jersey Shore where Italian-American’s lived in Seaside for weeks/months? Spin off shows ensued for several years? A decade? This is Mike “The Situation” and was arrested (and jailed) for tax stuff, I believe. I’ve seen him several times in Red Bank.

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Nope, he got out about a month ago I would say. That place is popular with the crew, they were filming there when I last went on Haskell day. Snookie was there while we had lunch.

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Thanks for the update. I don’t follow him that closely but I know he was “upstate” for a while.

@gracieggg - I’m a Jersey Shore addict though I mostly watch to see people and places I know.


Oh, gotcha! I’m familiar with that show being on, but never watched it. Thanks for explaining it to me.

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What gives you any idea that I could/would recruit HIM???



I was just about to ask the same question! By the pose, T-shirt, and date, I kind of had a feeling though…

“Would you like to come to the butcher’s counter and pick your steak?” “Yes we would…we’ll take that one “. $141.23. We finished it, but the joke’s on them. We made beef broth with the bone, will get a few more meals of. (That’s called ‘rationalization’)