The Butchers Block, Long Branch

The Butchers Block is opening tomorrow. D’Ambrisi Wholesale Foods owns the property. “The restaurant prides itself in serving, fresh, organic meals that are farm-to-table.”

The space looks beautiful in the photos in the article (if it loads).

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This looks really good. Thanks for the heads up.

Is that just a lunch menu on the site? I’m confused from the name and description I was anticipating some steaks and chops, the menu seems exclusively pizza and sandwiches?

It’s a butcher shop down the road from where I work. There is no way they are going to thrive on selling over priced pizzas and sandwiches here in the hood.

I can throw a baseball and hit 5 pizza places from their location…6 if you count John 's that got shut down for certain issues. Down the road a few feet are 4 pizza places and the places are next to each other. Yes 4. Rock a fellers, nunzios, tuzzios, and a-z toppings.

Thanks Johnny, now I"m confused even more! (just teasing I just don’t understand the concept, if they are a butcher where’s the beef???)

Two burgers and one chop? That’s it?

Very underwhelming for a place called The Butcher’s Block. I would never in my life expect to be ordering a pizza or salad at such a place.


so many of the places are dead before they even open up. Greek-amole on 35 in Shrewsbury next to Verizon store was another example. Wasn’t Mexican, wasn’t Greek. terrible name, confused everyone esp with Chipotle 5 min away and two other Greek places around, one opening up at same time. No wonder he lasted less than year. I’m also not sure how Green and Grains by the pet store in that plaza is surviving.
To get back to original post- I legit through this was about a steak/meat-centric place opening up; not a place to grab a turkey sub owned by a butcher shop. I wish them well; who knows maybe they’ll make killer subs and raise the bar for this area; but the odds are stacked against them…I wonder how many people won’t do net research beforehand and showup for chops/porterhouse and walk out after being offered a slice?


This isn’t a restaurant. It’s a deli/butcher shop. They are just putting up expensive sandwiches on a menu that will probably fail quickly in long branch.

The butcher is in the back of the building so there are two separate parts to this joint.

This is the old Dutch prime, sadly.

I wonder if those burgers even come with fries? I’d hope so.

I’ve asked the person who is doing the menu and website design if there’s more to the menu. I’m hoping that that was just page 1 of the menu.

(Background: I have no personal interest in this restaurant. On the Monmouth Beach Residents facebook page, I came across the person’s design of the menu. I saw typos and messaged him privately. Thought I’d help a newbie who’s still in school.)

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19 dollar fried chicken? I think the 4 piece chicken around the corner at crown chicken is like 4.99 or something

I give this place 2 months and the menu will be changed once they realize no one is going out of their way for a 14 dollar burger in the long branch ghetto where I work.

Dutch used to sell 6.50 whole cheesesteaks and other subs. Those are the prices this place needs to be at.


Probably so, but the bone marrow pizza might need to be tried.

I looked through that link shared earlier. They are only open until 7 PM so I imagine that is not “page one” of a larger menu.

And this, dear friends, is why we get angry restaurateurs on here after us! :laughing::laughing::laughing: For all the people looking this place up following the announcement, we are the third search result. Actually the second because the first two are the same article.

Then again, it would help if they had a website. Been seeing that more and more lately, restaurants opening without websites or just having a homepage with no menu. Mind-boggling in the times we live in.


Similar business plan introduced on Left Coast a few years ago:

That’s the current extent of the menu. Apparently, specials will be listed on a chalkboard on the wall.

The reports were pretty underwhelming from my coworkers. I saw the cheesesteak and it was not very big. It did come with fries though, which apparently were good in the taste category but kind of steamed out once they got back to the office. That is to be expected with any take out fries though. I heard the cherry peppers added a little heat but not too much and I heard the cheese sauce kind of got lost in the mix and didn’t really shine. The overall opinion was that the cheesesteak tasted good but not worth the price.

The Nashville chicken sandwich got a thumbs down from two people.

I didn’t get to speak to the person who got the burger so nothing to report on that.

My coworker commented on the tomato soup and said “it was amazing”

…so a mixed bag of opinions.

One person said “I won’t be back”

One person said “I won’t go back” and then said he would give it one more try and sit inside to dine.

Third person said “yeah I will try it again next week when I get paid” lol

Ps, the reason I didn’t join was I had no cash and got tied up doing work stuff. I don’t really feel too anxious to try it now.


Owners of the Butcher’s Block reached out to me yesterday through my Instagram:

BB: Greg! Saw some recent reviews posted by you. We value your opinion and would love to have you come and check out our spot for lunch on us. Can also give you insight and answer any questions on our model/plan!

Me: Thank you for reaching out! I posted a news article with my opinion of the menu. Nothing against your business at all! Wishing you much luck! If I’m in Long Branch I will definitely take you up on the offer! Thank you again!

BB: Absolutely understand, please do stop by! Also, we offer a steak and chops dinner menu . Thursday-Saturday , reservation only. Would love to have you in!


Tell them to post that somewhere, that is what I was expecting.


Hook a brother up Greg!

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