Thanksgiving 2019 - ideas / plans / menus / raves / rants

The dry brine story without the paywall.


This kind of thing?

The mother-in-law spare turkey story is in here:

Always present lol my ever fave juicy meat and crackling skin Pork Roast


Make an extra serving for me, because I would crash your party for a bite of that. :yum:




Has anyone tried Chinese Roast Duck, but Make It Turkey?

Fascinating. Didn’t know it was a thing! I would be very tempted to try it, but I don’t think I have the right equipment to do the steps they show in this article but I am most definitely intrigued.

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thats just 1 kilo of meat belly, i can make extra since its easy to make :relaxed:

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I actually make whenever my friends or fam comming over :relaxed:

Martha Stewart has a delicious cranberry upside down cake. I haven’t actually made the cake part, but made an orange olive oil cake instead. It was pretty and tasty to boot.


I think I’ll try buying it first. There is probably a reason they sell out.

Hey, thanks for those links. Holiday strife seems to be alive and well on CH, but I still maintain that at one point, CH had banned that type of thread (not food disasters per se, but all that family nonsense, which was so much fun to read about (as long as you weren’t there, of course!)

That looks amazing! Any tips for choosing the belly? This is boneless, right? There seems to be a layer thing I should know. What’s the green veg/herb in the filling?

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Wait! What? Was it that bad? Must’ve been. We all left.


I made an all-belly porchetta for Thanksgiving last year - was a huge hit. I did mine sous vide then deep fried for the crispy exterior, but your roasted version looks sublime as well.


A thirty-second perusal of the Not About Food board should disavow you of this notion. You’ll find “Invited to potluck party and brought main dish, feelin (sic) used” and “ Partner has ‘bad’ taste in food” and “Parents of Adult Children: When should kids start picking up the check?” It’s a lot quieter that it was, and I have to say this is not an entirely bad thing. I really don’t miss all the whining about how mean my aunt was to me that one time when everyone knows my pie is like 1000X better than hers.

The threads that DID get locked, banned or disappeared were the ones that either ranted at or mocked Chowhound, or were just random goofiness (like the banana board). I do miss those, but the ranting certainly lives on over here, so…

How do you feel about vegetable souffles (in ramekins)?
Spinach Souffle

Butternut Squash Souffle

Another reason to consider owning a slow cooker :wink:


Mini pumpkins filled with forbidden/black rice or rice pilaf would pair nicely with turkey and duck.


Not exactly another green veg dish, but I made a salad a while ago for T day that was well received. Arugula, endive, persimmon, pomegranite seeds, pumpkin seeds, goat cheese crumbles, I don’t recall what else but it won’t over very well. I’m in the light camp. You need something to break up the richness. And these fall flavors are light and beautiful too.


Yes! this is boneless, I just choose meat belly that has good fat to meat ratio :relaxed: and i put lemon grass and spring onions for that green and steamed it first before roasting. :wink: can check recipe here :heartpulse: