Tangents or thread drift

Waving @Miss_belle !


That is why I tend to stay in that small corner of the fish tank. I know my place. Thanks again to Respectfully. I have so many ideas for new topics but it is probably best that I don’t know how to do that. Did have a question though. Tangent alert. I finally for the first time ever managed to post a picture of a complete meal. But there is no place to like it. I am pretty clueless. I am not ever fishing for likes but as was said by some in the why do you like? thread I see likes more as a “roger that” How did I manage to somehow screw this up?

I’m not sure why your pic post doesn’t allow for the “like,” Full disclaimer: I never post pics so I’m not savvy about their behavior.

As far as new topics . . . there’s a “New Topic”. button on the HO homepage


In pretty sure you’re not allowed to like your own post.
Which makes sense since you already gave it your affirmation by posting it.
Department of redundancy department.


Good thought. I guess I never tried to like myself.


And now I see that I do not, in fact, see a knife & fork on that post. Guess it only becomes visible when others like a post.

ETA: But I could like your post. :stuck_out_tongue:


Well! see if I ever post a pic of my dinner again! Joking of course I am not that vain. On fb you can like your own post I have learned much to my chagrin. I can be an idiot. And at least on that dear boy we can agree.

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I know I won’t ever post on What’s On Your Mind again.

What’s on my mind will be in other threads or DMs.


You are wise.

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Cool :sunglasses:
More for us :heartpulse:
How you can diss the most benign thread is beyond me.


It can be the Assholiest thread, imo.

Mostly benign, but about 9 days ago, the most passive aggressive replies I’ve experienced on HO since 2015.


When it essentially becomes a conversation that could more easily go to a PM between the 2-3 people posting most frequently, it was easy for me to choose to turn off notifications of that thread.


I respect that. I probably should pay closer attention.

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Sorry! I’ve kind of enjoyed that thread, especially as it’s become a sort of cabining for some.


I am sorry to hear that. I think you know best for yourself for sure.

That is kind of you to offer. I get inadvertently shamed for not having a smart phone. I am sure people mean no offense. One dude pushed, no gently nudged me for a pic. I made it so but I had to bribe Conan with four spicy hot sausage bites from my beloved mennonite barbecue.to take pics. Ouch. It worked I put up the pics. Victory! Oh wait he didn’t even notice. Sokay because if I have to give up part of my meal: collardsbakedbeanssmokedchickenmeltpulledporkmacaronisaladsausagebitesandchoppedbrisketsandwich to be ignored it means I don’t ever need to post pics again. I’m sure he did not deliberately ignore me so this is oddly freeing. Woot.

People often take away whatever they bring to a conversation. In the end, it’s all about attitude.

I’ve mentioned a couple of times that I don’t carry a phone of any sort. The only comment I recall was one person expressing surprise (which was understandable as the vast majority of folk do have phones).


One person’s surprise is another one’s “shame.” I doubt most people give a shit what others own or don’t own :wink:


Or, people stir the proverbial pot.