Supermarket Pet Peeves

heart of darkness.


What/why in the world?

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Thanks. I’ve never been to Food Bazaar and likely won’t since it’s a little far afield for me. I also don’t think I’ve ever been to that Trade Fair, although I shop regularly at both of the ones on 30th Avenue, and sometimes the one up on Ditmars. As I said above I don’t remember ever seeing this, but next time I go I will definitely look more carefully. If I ever saw a subtle little pile of cash just lying at the end of the bagging area I would never have realized I was being prodded to tip. In a container, yes, I would recognize that as a tip jar.

Yes. At the Trade Fairs (most of the markets, really) I shop at nobody from the store is carrying anything out to the car because there are no parking lots. Probably some people drive but I think most are like me - anything I buy I’m carrying home by walking or taking the bus/subway. Also especially at the Trade Fair mothership on 31st Street when people are buying massive orders they get the store to deliver it. There’s a fee and I assume people tip - we rarely get delivery but of course we tip for that.

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I know. People are nuts

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Jumbo eggs are more expensive :roll_eyes:

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What Chutzpah!.. to save maybe literally 20 or 30 cents?


I’ve never seen them do that, it would be impossible in a big supermarket. What I do think they have time for is messing with the eggs before it is time to restock. I have opened many a dozen that appear to contain mismatched eggs. It seems as if they repackage lone survivors.

Not significantly. People are assholes.


This is a big, but independent market.
It just seems to be expected here. They always put a rubber band around them at checkout too.
Life in tinytown is good, I guess.


That too!

If this is a repeat, forgive me, don’t have the attention span going to review 230 submissions…

There are those few Privileged People who unload their carts at the check out, then leave the empty cart in front of the next shopper in line. That. Is. Irkesome!


Customers with more than the quick check amount of items in their cart using that register to check out. Happened yesterday. Guy had a full cart loaded on the belt of the quick check out line while the rest of us were literally holding 1 item in our hands. Plenty of people made remarks and the cashier shrugged her shoulders. Know what the guy did in response…he bagged his own groceries at a snails pace to show how little he cared. Classy.


Another, stepping in and out of placing your deli order while the staff is slicing. Holds up everyone. Gal places a order for sliced cheese then runs to another aisle for groceries. Comes back adds a sliced meat to her order, runs off again…people! Get a clue.


This is fairly new in my area and I’ve only seen it at a few grocery stores (Lowes Foods and an IGA):

Red lighting over the tomatoes. It makes the 'maters look gorgeous so you walk over all excited…then you slowly realize it’s all artifice. Feels like cheating to me.


How could I forget, the absolute worst and it seems to be happening in more and more stores lately. I don’t know what they are spraying for or perhaps cleaning with but FFS cover up or remove the food before you do so … I can’t handle my food smelling and tasting like chemical cleaners and pesticides! EDIT: or just use vinegar or bleach diluted in water … something, anything without perfume and toxins, you know it’s getting in the food!


I have seen it in markets here such as Hmart, with lighting over the fish counter.

That’s not saving. That’s stealing.

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This might be said before (and I might just be a Grinch) but I HATE how my local store allows charity groups to bag your groceries for a tip. I always give a tip for them to not touch my stuff and just claim to be obsessive (semi-true). The times I haven’t done that, I get broken eggs, crushed produce or every item in it’s own bag. %()#)(@#)(!


Never heard of such a thing.
Charity carwash thinks that’s rude.

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My husband’s hobby is to detail cars and I tell him I took the car to a charity car wash when I want to get a rise out of him! :rofl:

Maybe this a regional thing? I’m in New Jersey. I hate the practice myself.